Fruit and Pretzels

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Fruit and Pretzels

Post by Blondie » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:22 pm

Two Blondie thoughts for the day (ahem, no blonde jokes):

1. Every time I eat a different kind of fruit with my lunch, I change my mind about what might be the perfect invention as far as food. Today: the peach. Truly inspirational. A triumph of nature. A sweet, golden gift.

2. One of my bosses really likes pretzels--in fact a lot of people snack on them around here. So, he always comes through and offers them to me...and like a good NoSer, I always decline. Today he says, "you just don't like pretzels, do you?" I almost explained that I've lost about 13 pounds partly as a result of cutting out snacks between meals (he's not overweight in the slightest, he works out and eats right, definitely), and I started to say, "you know what..." and then I just said, "no, not really."

I wonder why I did that. I could have just said that I don't eat between meals (and omit the bragging/reasoning--ie cutting calories), but then I was afraid he would extol the virutes of snacking, metabolism arguments whatever. Anyway. Just a funny little thing. :)

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Post by peetie » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:31 pm

Blondie, I know what you mean about hesitating to bring up food issues, ways of eating, snacking vs not snacking because you never know what you will unleash. For some people their way of eating is like their have to be careful not to tread on somebody's sacred ground...or to get duly lectured on your evil ways!

You're lucky you have found good peaches this summer. Out here in So. CA they have been awful this year! I'm very disappointed. Been comforting myself with Fuji apples instead.


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Post by Sandy » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:24 pm

I find I do better if I say nothing to no one! I don't want anyone watching me and I would prefer them to think I don't have weight issues. I joined an in-house weight watchers group about 3 years ago. I was in line at the cafeteria and woman about 5 people back yelled "are you supposed to be eating that" - I could have shoved it down her throat!

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Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:33 pm

Pineapple was my no-s sweet fruit revelation.

Also, ever have a Pluot? Part plum, part apricot. Whenever I eat one of those, I think it won't be long before they breed/engineer fruits that have the sugar content of candy...

It's funny how so many things in life are fine to do until you have to talk about them. Maybe you did the right thing taking this shortcut with your boss.

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Post by carolejo » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:42 pm

Don't know the Pluot, but we do have Nectarcots (nectarine / apricot cross).

Those are pretty good, actually.


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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:51 pm

Ah, the peach -- truly a gift to humankind. And quite a few possums.

We are still getting plenty of peaches in at the Farmer's Market, and they should continue coming in right through September - though the taste of the very latest-season varieties declines rapidly toward the end. The sweet corn will soon stop coming in, too.

I always rue the end of the summer produce season, but it makes it that much sweeter when it comes around again.
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Post by Blondie » Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:11 pm

I saw pluots at Whole Foods!! I don't really like apricots, so I didn't get any, but I love plums, so maybe I'll try...

It is sad to see the summer fruit go...but the Pink Lady apples in the fall are WONDERFUL (and the size of my head!).

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Post by lessismore » Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:11 pm

I agree that fruit has been my salvation.

I find bananas and melon to be my personal faves lately, we can get really good cantelope and honeydew melons here in the midwest right now. It's whats keeping me out of the candy and away from the ice cream.

I actually have never cared for pretzels myself, but keep me away from the potato chips! I guess the worse it is for you, the more I like it! :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:15 pm

Hi Less is More!
Nice to see you.. I agree with that credo, though I'm not always good at implementing it!
Good luck...
I love cantelope!
8) Deb

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Post by lessismore » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:13 pm

Hi Deb (and everyone else!),

Less is more hasn't been my credo in the past either! :lol: That's what's propelling me to give the No S a shot. I've tried lots of "diets." Atkins - didn't work at all and I felt crummy doing it. eDiets - worked and I got down to 120lbs - in my opinion a good weight for my 5' frame - but the dumb weight calculator kept trying to get me to reduce my weight further and kept cutting and cutting my calories until I was so hungry all the time that I got fed up and abandoned ship. And guess what? I did not develop proper eating habits because I was focused on eating what my menu told me to eat - not making intelligent choices. So I gained it all back and then some. Exercise has never been a problem for me, I've been involved in martial arts for the past 7 years, so I work out plenty, but I just plain eat too much junk. I've been doing the No S thing (I'm reluctant to call it a "diet") for 5 days (started Monday). So far so good. Right now my portions are on the hefty side (i.e. very full plate, but I don't go back for 2nds) but I've decided tackle the habits of snacking and eating too much sugar first - reduce portions once my stomach gets used to three healthy meals a day.

I'd be interested to know how long others have been doing this and success they've had in loosing weight. Also, how hard is it to get back on an N day after your S days? I'm half afraid that I'll have a taste of some wonderful desert and my inner beast will take control and I'll fall off the wagon!


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Post by navin » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:44 pm

Hey Rachel-

I've been doing this nearly two years now, and have lost 24 lbs. (Trying to get down another 16 or so.) My results have been very slow, and might fluctuate a little from week to week but very consistently downard over the long haul. I guess working out the math, I've averaged maybe a 1 lb. loss per month.

I've found the hardest N days are Thursday and Friday. As it gets near the end of the week I start thinking... "Sugar! Need Sugar!!" :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:21 pm

Hey Rachel,
You probably won't find you fall off the wagon too often...
The reason S days work are the fact that they provide that "steam valve"
What are your other options really???
You said it yourself, that Atkins certainly wasn't helping you, and just cutting calories all the time will also turn you into a "Desert Fearer"... since they are, relatively high in calories....
You will enjoy learning moderation... Don't over worry about it, just, as a famous shoe company says, "Do it"....
Seriously, if you screw up 25% of the week, it's still far superior than the Binge/starve diet models out there...
My S days used to be wild and wacky, but it never made me gain anything that stayed on...Of course I didn't tend to weigh myself much on days following those wild and wacky "S" capades! This was intentional..
I refused to allow anything to ruing the Sanctity and pleasurability of those days.... But when I did weigh, I never registered any gain.... Really..
You will develop, over time, a trust in yourself, the more days you practice self control... Believe me, it is earned and it is hard, but you will do it!!!! Just give it a good try, and not just for one week!
Oh and by the way, a lot of the times that we over indulge, we really aren't truly enjoying that food... We are shoving, forcing, guzzling, etc...
Many people here have described a phenomenon that is really unique after "S days" which could be considered very "Gluttonous", and that is wanting to get back to the sanity of N days...
It's almost a paradox and a complete reversal of what you would *think* a diet would make you feel! Did that make any sense?! LOL....

I encourage you to start your own "Daily/weekly/monthly.....yearly? :shock: " Checkin thread! :lol:
Peace and Love,
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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:03 am

Welcome! I've been no-S'ing for three months and I've lost ten pounds.

I have also been trying to get some form of moderate exercise (so far I've walked, hiked, swum or ridden my bike) at least 3 to 4 times per week and that has really helped. I'm in a LOT better shape.

My first nine pounds came off in the first 6 weeks of doing No-S. Since then I've been less dedicated because I took a long vacation in August and after I got back I was kind of slack about everything. I'm pretty sure f I had stuck to the plan a little better in August I would have lost another few pounds.

No, I don't find it's hard to do an N day after S days. If anything, it's kind of odd to have an S day!
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Post by Blondie » Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:06 am

Welcome, Rachel!

Like you, I am extremely active and actually didn't have too too much to lose to begin with.

I think what you and the other folks have said is right--1) it's a good idea not to get too strict on portions right away, to get used to the routine 2) your S days won't be too crazy--or if they are, they'll calm down 3) it's not hard (and it's a relief) to go back to N days after S days. 4) the sweets cravings will abate quickly!

I've lost 12-14 pounds in two months.

Again, welcome!!


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Post by navin » Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:51 am

Indeed, I echo the sentiments of taking time to get used to this diet. The first few weeks were the hardest. And though I will alway miss my sweets, I know that I can have them... I just have to wait a little while. :)

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Post by JWL » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:23 pm

I do like fruit, but I don't seem to often have it with my meals. Fruit was one major source of snacking in my pre-NoS days. Now, I tend to put lots of fruit in smoothies.

For example, earlier in the spring I bought several bounds of ripe, in-season Maine blueberries and froze them. So they're still in my freezer, months later, and I sprinkle a few at a time into my smoothie.

Fruit rocks.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:39 pm

Hi Freaky!
I love blueberry smoothies too... How do you store your berries and how long do they keep? I just don't like when the fruit has a "freezer" taste at all... Tupperwear? Ziplocs?

All the best,
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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:02 pm

I did some web research on freezer burn (now there's an oxymoron) last year and how to prevent it because I was so frustrated at losing good food in the freezer.

There are 2 components of "freezer burn." One, the water in the food sublimates (evaporates directly from the frozen state without melting) and condenses into frost on the inside surface of the packaging. (This especially happens when the food is near the freezer door where it's subject to temperature changes when the door is opened.) After a while the food gets dehydrated as the water (ice) accumulates on the packaging. The texture of the food is dried-out and unappetizing. You know this is happening because chunks of ice or rime fall out of the package when you open it.

Two, the food absorbs odors from other foods in the fridge and tastes "off".

The key to both of these is not letting air near the food. Package things closely and get as much air as possible out of the plastic baggies or whatever. Then seal it up airtight. Use an airtight bag that is labeled for freezers as it will not let odors in and out.

Hope this helps.
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Post by JWL » Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:13 am

I use ziploc freezer bags (gallon size in this case), fill them such that they are full of a single layer of blueberries when laid flat, then I lay them flat on a cookie sheet, make sure all the air is out, and put the cookiesheet in the freezer. Once frozen, I remove the cookiesheet, and all my frozen stuff will stand upright or are in neatly stackable packages.

I also store leftover soup this way, very convenient for lunches to take to work for my wife or me.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:45 am

Great method!!!
I will try it out soon :)
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Post by sibyl » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:55 pm

I love fruit, all sorts of fruit. But my absolute favourites are melons, especially watermelon, and berries. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries, cranberries, etc. etc.
When I was in Vancouver I noticed blackberry bushes everywhere: in parks, on the side of the road, on hiking trails. It was like heaven.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head".

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