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Collateral Benefits

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:21 am
by NoelFigart
What sort of collateral benefits do you see from No-Sing? (besides weight loss and containing unhealthy eating patterns).

I recall one thread in which someone said she found she had more TIME and was knitting and reading more after dinner.

I've seen people say they're saving money on groceries.

I've noticed that for myself, meals are becoming an "event". By the time it's time for dinner, I'm excited about having something to eat and tend to make something good. (In an appalling lack of modesty, I'll say right here that I'm quite a good cook).

Even on days when ordinarily I'd've thrown something together and worse, eaten with my son while watching a movie, now a meal is not only a carefully thought-out and prepared event, it's also one where I'm loathe to eat in front of a video. I want to share it as something special.

So on days when it's just my son and I, I'm just as likely to make an event of the meal (candles, wine and a nice table setting), as I am when I have more people at my table (admittedly, that's most nights).

I used to joke when sitting down to a formal table that for tonight "We'll pretend we're not barbarians". My son commented that he thinks that maybe we're not barbarians at all if we're eating formal meals every night and the joke has become meaningless.

What sort of collateral effects have you noticed in your life?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:30 am
by lola628
What a great post! I am no longer a barbarian too!

I enjoy my food a lot more. I'm not eating as I run out the door, I actually sit down and FOCUS on the food.

I've stopped eating while watching DVDs too.

my stomach feels really flat

I now cook and people in nyc don't usually do that EVER.

i'm reading more cookbooks

I still enjoy my cappuccinos but without the sugary crap foods that I used to eat and now I feel better!

I have a much greater sense of control because these are becoming good habits! Yeah No S!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:38 am
by kccc
Noel, I love the "not barbarians" line. I think I may steal it!

I'm the knitting/reading person. :) It's amazing how much time I have when I'm not spending it all snacking!

I consider myself a "recovering perfectionist" (kind of like a recovering anything... something I have to always watch). Learning to deal with failures in No-S has helped me deal with imperfections in the rest of my life. There will always be failures... but they don't have to be permanent. And if fear of failure keeps you from TRYING, then it becomes crippling.

So, I have learned to "contain" failure and move on. That is HUGE.

And facing that "food is not the answer" has pushed me to think harder about "what do I really want?" I've gotten more in touch with what I like, who I am.

I also am enjoying cooking so much! It's a whole creative area that I used to deny myself. I maintained my weight for years through an "armed truce" with food, but now we've made peace.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:28 am
by blueskighs
this is a great thread... let's see the first collateral benefit was my SANITY :D that's pretty significant - no more diet/food cage crap!
then my PEACE OF MY MIND - clear boundaries
then some SELF ESTEEM - self control
let's see as a result of the first three my relationship with my husband became very SWEET again, that is pretty awesome ...

ummmmm ... seem to have lost a bit of existential angst and my inner toddler is no longer finding it necessary to throw external temper tantrums ...

oh yes and then the TIME ... and the ability to focus,
and the extra WAM (walking around money) in my pocket ...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... and those guilt-free donuts ... hmmmmm.. yes those are definitely a collateral benefit :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:31 am
by sweetsong32
I have some similar experiences.
Food has become more special to me. NOT in an obssesive way, but a more appreciative way. Now that I only 'get' 3 meals, I want them to count.
So I too have started cooking more meaningful meals. I LOVE cooking too. I am learning to savor every bite.
I have not seen a big reduction in my grocery bill. Mainly, I think, because instead of buying the snack foods, I am buying fresh fruits and veggies...
I just feel free.
I also have noticed increased energy levels and I sleep better at night. I use to wake up all during the night. Now, I lay my head on the pillow and dont awake until my alarm rudely awakens me.
Meals are a big deal now. NO MORE eating in front of the t.v. We now sit at the table for every meal. (except lunch, obviously; that meal is taken at school/work)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:34 am
by angelka71
Me too! Me too! Why am I sleeping better??

I used to binge on sweets first thing in the morning convinced I had to have them to function. SO to make up for this I've been cooking breakfast and actually sitting down with the kids and eating with them. Amazingly, the mornings seem to run SOOO much more smoothly now! My kids are so much less stressed, probably b/c I'm less stressed...I don't know.

My blood sugar has been stable since I started. I'm not diabetic or anything but usually a few times a day I start to get shakey and feel dizzy. Not so now. I was big on skipping meals and then binging on snacks (chips, crackers, candy, cookies). Now I keep all my meals since I know I won't be having any snacks to pick up the slack.

I'm definately cooking more as I decided that to go along with no s, I'm also giving up any fast food except on S days. So since I'm cooking more, I feel better about how my kids are eating.

Oh, and one more thing. I've noticed that I'm more...let's say..."regular" in the bathroom.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:17 am
by foxylady
I have only been at this for nine days but I have noticed many of the same benefits you all have mentioned. One that I very much like has to do with cooking. I am no longer afraid to make some of my favorite recipes, because I don't want to deal with how to count them in my overall food plan. Also I have been making all my own whole wheat breads for years. Since I pioneered many of my own recipes this is especially fun. What a joy cooking and baking now is with the No S Diet.

Another real and surprising benefit .... I don't need a late night snak in order to sleep well. Always thought I did since my blood sugar tends to get a little low sometimes.

I too have a sense of relief ... FINALLY I can have a normal relationship with food. I am sure there will be many more new revelations down the road. Physically, emotionally and spiritually.

What a Joy!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:31 pm
by MoTappin
Hi Mom! :D

Let's see...where to begin?

1. I'm not afraid of starch anymore
2. I'm sleeping better
3. My tummy feels flatter
4. I'm more...ahem...regular. Really!
5. I'm enjoying food again. Really enjoying it...not scarfing it down. Like someone else said--meals are an event. Not something you rush through.
6. I'm actually not hungry between meals for the most part.
7. I'm trying recipes I was afraid to try before because I was trying to stick to some "way of eating."
8. I look forward to the S days, and I actually PLAN for my treats instead of mindlessly popping them in my mouth. When I have a treat, I want it to be a good one!
9. I don't think about food all day!
10. I'm feeling new habits taking hold that will prevent me from struggling with weight for the rest of my life.

How d'ya like them apples? :lol:

known discovery

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:52 pm
by droth
Just last night my family commented that they had not had a pork roast in a long time, and wanted to know what was going I always tended not to buy too much pork products in favor of chicken, fish, etc. They commented on how good all the food tasted (I too am an accomplished cook :wink: ) but have been using the low-fat, no-fat ingredients - not last night - we ate a meal fixed with real ingredients and it was ALL eaten. with everyone talking about how tasty the meal was. I stuck to the plan, ate my portion with no seconds and was completely satisfied. This has actually helped with my grocery bill, as you know the low-fat, no-fat stuff is twice as expensive, and the lower the fat in meat the more expensive it is, so I was able to really afford that pork roast instead of paying the extra $3 for 97% fat-free ground sirloin. Here's to the greatest discovery we've already known! :idea:

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:59 pm
by fkwan
1. Self hatred gone, self-esteem normal.
2. A general feeling of normalcy.
3. Thoughts directed at something other than food.
4. Flatter stomach.
5. Much better muscle tone.
6. A feeling of utter astonishment that I am able to conquer addictions and other mental difficulties that ruined my life for more than 40 years in 24 days. :D


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:59 am
by CrazyCatLady
Tonight, I cooked one package of rice a roni type rice, instead of 3. DH is cutting back by cutting out seconds. Between the two of us not overeating at dinner, I don't have to cook as much!

When I have a snack or sweet on an S day, it feels like a real treat. Not something to feel guilty about. Not something I do several times everyday, which takes away the specialness. And now I am more likely to enjoy a small amount of a treat, rather than binging on it.

I had delicious cheese and crackers for lunch yesterday. It was so good! And fresh cucumbers and red and yellow peppers! So delicious! All foods are available, and only yummy ones should be eaten! I'm eating more fruits and veggies because they are good, not because I "should".

I think my teeth will last longer since I don't have a piece of candy in my mouth 24/7.

I don't eat out often, but when I do, I chose what sounds yummy, instead of what I "should" eat.

I was out of control...I was never full, never satisfied. I could not trust myself around treats and sweets. Today I left donuts, bagels, Dove dark chocolates and a chocolate cake alone. I do not feel deprived, I feel empowered. Not as if I will never have these things again, but just to have them when I am ready....sometimes, on days that start with S!

My face looks better. Though I haven't lost much weight, my face looks healthier somehow!

Great topic, NoelFigart!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:40 pm
by noSer
I had been thinking on starting a thread similar to this of what I'm looking forward to in losing weight, but this thread was close enough, so I'll post my list.

1. Actually getting rid of clothes- because they’re too big instead of too small- and not saving them for when I'm off the diet and my weight goes back up
2. Better sleep - less snoring/apnea
3. Sending out Christmas cards with pictures of the whole family, not just the kids.
4. Not being embarrassed to go to the doctor because my weight has gone up
5. Not being the fat mom
6. Not considering weight loss surgery
7. Buying regular sized clothes
8. Not chafing during the summer
9. Feet and ankles not hurting
10. Class reunion - need I say more...

Have a great day!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:07 pm
by Buffalo Gal
Yesterday I was feeling alittle frustrated cause I was not seeing results but now that I think about it:

I am sleeping better.
My stomach feels flatter.
I do not hit the 2:00 wall at work.
I am not out of breath on the way to the bus stop.
I do not have that "Over Stuffed" feeling after meals.

Great thread!

Buffalo Gal

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:30 pm
by Amyliz
4. I'm more...ahem...regular. Really!
LOL - i've had the same result, very funny. i even stopped taking fiber supplements. yay!

best collateral benefit - weekends are better than ever!!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:33 pm
by irish
I agree with all of you. Isn't it wonderful?! It's amazing what just 3 no s's can do for you. I, too, love to cook, and it's so much fun to make all my "real" recipes again, without any guilt at all, and to really enjoy eating food because I'm truly hungry. I want this to go on forever.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:52 am
by Beckycan
Great thread -- I enjoyed reading about all of the benefits/changes everyone is enjoying. I'm at the end of week 2 on NoS. I don't really feel any changes in my body yet.

I have also been focusing on meals and cooking more. Today I had a simple breakfast of yogurt and a banana, but made a western omelet for lunch, and ham salad sandwiches with a salad of tomato, cucumber, onion and green peppers in ranch dressing for dinner. (Yesterday I baked a ham so these were leftover ham meals.)

I was a constant snacker before NoS. Now without the constant snacks, I'm enjoying meals more, and enjoying preparing them. That's the most noticeable change for me.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:26 am
by DianeA2Z
Wonderful thread!

1. We've gone back to eating meals at the dining room table, especially dinner.
2. I'm keeping the dining room table from becoming a "catch-all" place
3. I'm having more fun cooking. I've always liked to cook and have often been told I'm an excellent cook, but it's more fun now! :D I have more fun playing with recipes!
4. I am aware of what I am eating...I mean really aware.
5. I have more energy and fewer aches!!

Can't wait until I notice a difference in my clothes.
