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Willpower during TOM (time of month)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:17 pm
by Murphysraven
Gentleman be warned, some of this discussion may be a TMI. Feel free to participate if you wish.

So ladies, what do you do to keep from that time of the month being a total break from NoS?

I find myself with no willpower to stick to my eating plan. I'm already grouchy and putting limits of myself make me even moreso. I find I am a lot more hungry, especially for treats and snacks during the first 2-3 days.

What do you do to combat these cravings and bolster your willpower during this time?

I think for myself I need to come up with a plan (since I handled this last time so poorly). I seem to need more filling meals with protein in them to keep me going. I'm thinking that extra vitamins would probably be a good idea too since I seem to graze a lot. i think it's my bodys way of telling me it's looking for a particular nutrient. But I also seems to gravitate a lot more to snacks and sweets.

Luckily for me, I seem to have less issues with UR during my period then at other times. I find walking to be very helpful in managing cramp pain.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:02 pm
by funfuture
I'm interested in responses to this too. Keeping the daily habit check is showing me that I'm definitely hungrier prior to a period and just after. Those times are also when I get cravings for snacks. Vitamin B does help with my moods then. So does exercise (though I feel like it least then). Keeping the habit tracker is helping me to recognise why I am feeling like that and to realise it will pass in a day or too (which makes things easier), but any other suggestions would be great.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:53 am
by apple
I'm pretty okay mostly.

It does help to eat more protein, and generally a bit more during meals. Also, to know that I have gone through those days successfully before makes it more bearable. I know that I can do it, and that helps me through, knowing that you have the willpower to not eat everything in sight. But it can be hard.

I do plan a delicious treat for myself the next weekend, so I'll have something to look foward to.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:24 am
by sandra
I used to have a big struggle with cravings and Jekyl & Hyde syndrome just before and during TOM.
Then I found a book that recomended supplements of magnesium, zinc, B-complex and either Evening Primrose Oil or Starflower Oil. And I must admit although I was quite sceptical at first, it works for me. There have been a couple of occasions where I have run out of supplements and thinking about the cost and letting my sceptism back in, I've gone without.
And guess what, my cravings and mood swings came back. My husband has noticed the difference and is always checking that I am fully stocked!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:33 pm
by Betty
I've voiced this opinion before, and it was unpopular, but I maintain that one of the great things about no s is that it takes into account the times when it just doesn't make sense to diet. I mean, giving yourself the freedom to call birthdays "special" days means being free from guilt when it's nearly impossible to avoid the treats. In the same way, I think that there should be an S loophole for "that time of the month". I tend to take one "Biological S day" when I need to because if I don't I break down anyway, and if there's anything worse than pms, it's guilt on top of pms.

I generally have one or two really hard days, both emotionally and in terms of cravings, but I don't know what I'd do if I had a week or more of pms :shock:

Anyway, just my two cents. Good luck,


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:05 pm
by wosnes
I tend to agree with Betty. There are real physiological changes going on during TOM and it's best to take care of yourself. That being said, it's not an excuse to go wild.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:14 pm
by bonnieUK
I find I am a lot more hungry
Me too, I find PMS days the most difficult to stick to, I've found the following helpful:

Increase meal sizes during those days.

Take B vitamin complex.

Take a good iron supplement (I take

As Betty suggested, a "biological S day" is a good idea, I usually have one, sometimes two - though I wouldn't call them full S days, I just allow 1-2 healthy snacks, and maybe seconds with dinner (though not too much).

Good luck :)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:15 pm
by bonnieUK
Oh, taking magnesium can help too. I think the increase in appetite and food cravings often relates to increased vitamin and mineral needs at that time.

Re: Willpower during TOM (time of month)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:00 pm
by NoelFigart
Murphysraven wrote:Gentleman be warned, some of this discussion may be a TMI. Feel free to participate if you wish.

So ladies, what do you do to keep from that time of the month being a total break from NoS?
I pump iron. Seriously. The hormones you get going because of that will actually calm you down.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:00 am
by apple
Betty wrote:I think that there should be an S loophole for "that time of the month". I tend to take one "Biological S day" when I need to because if I don't I break down anyway, and if there's anything worse than pms, it's guilt on top of pms.
I did that yesterday. Didn't think I would need it, but my cravings and inability to think, combined with a lack of the recommended vitamins and supplements made it so bad that and S-day was the only option.

Didn't go crazy with the food as I was too tired to go out and buy more.

Next month I'll try to be more prepared. PMS still takes me by surprise because it differs so much per month.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:02 pm
by bonnieUK
PMS still takes me by surprise because it differs so much per month.
Me too! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I would have thought that after 15 years of this I would know how to predict it, but it still sneaks up on me :D

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:42 pm
by apple
Weird, isn't it? Always when I get my period, I think to myself "so that's why I was in such a bad mood last week"! I never seem to remember or even be prepared.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:39 am
by MerryKat
Hi all
I also suffer from horrible PMS. I get it twice the 2 days around when I ovulate and about 4 days before starting to menstuate.

I have found that tracking my cycle on has helped me gain a little control in my life and give me warning so I and do my best not bite people's heads off.

I also find that caffeine consumption makes my PMS way worse.

I started taking magnesium and Vitamin B Complex a couple of weeks ago as I believe they help ease the symptoms. I already take Evening Primrose Oil & a multi-vitamin.

I also know that when my diet has had a lot of junk in it and I have not been eating the healthier options, I suffer worse.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:31 pm
by gratefuldeb67
God PMS is so awful isn't it????
Two days before I am a zombie/monster/miserable!

Good to think of a way of dealing with it as best you can!

Bonnie UK mentioned B complex.
Well I heard this is helpful as well and particularly if you have foods which are orange. Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Cantaloupe..
All high in Beta Carotene.
Plus they are sweet and NoS friendly.

Then again, a tiny square of "medicinal chocolate" might be what you are craving??
I say as long as you don't indulge to an extreme, just try to ride out the rough patch and yes, get a bit of exercise if possible.
That always helps :)
Peace and Love,
8) Debs

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:27 am
by phano
I just looked at the nutrition content on my dark chocolate stash (70% cocoa). Quite a high content of iron in one serving (25g). So maybe a chocolate craving is related to a need for iron. Apparently dark chocolate also has a high magnesium content. Here's a link: ... colate.htm

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:28 am
by bonnieUK
get a bit of exercise if possible.
I agree, although I find that PMS days are when I'm least interested in exercise, I also find its the time when I seem to benefit from it most (it's also a good way to get rid of water retention due to stimulating the lymphatic system).

I trick myself by putting on my MP3 player and saying I'll just do something (e.g. rebounding) for one song, before I know it I've gone through 4 songs and still want more :)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:38 pm
by silverfish
I don't take an S day, but I do tend to have larger meals with a lot more protein, red meat etc. I also drink a lot of black (or green) tea (I don't have milk in mine) which helps with discomfort, pains etc.