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Getting back on track

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:02 pm
by scaissie
Hi, I have been on and off this board for the last couple of years.

Last year I was doing perfect on the No S diet, I lost 25 pounds, started exercising, and I was feeling a lot better. Then two things happened, I hurt my back, and had some family problems, mainly with a rebellious 20-year-old daughter who has not grown up yet.

I have now gained the 25 pounds back, My back is better, I have been going to a chiropractor, started on some good vitamins, started walking again. That is the positive.

My daughter is still stressing me out, but I am trying to just let her go and let her make her own mistakes and I have resolved not to bail her out anymore when she gets in trouble.

I have started the HabitCal, which seems to help, I have been keeping track of my eating for the last month, and I am about half and half on staying with the No S diet, but I have still gained another 5 pounds this month!! I do realize different things can make you gain weight, and they started me on Metformin for PCOS - anyway, they said the Metformin could make you gain at first then can actually help you lose as long as you were eating a sensible diet.

I am so frustrated about gaining this weight back, but I am ready to try to lose it once again. I really feel like the No S way of eating is the way to go for me. I am a big stress eater, and I realize that is how I gain my weight. This week, I ate a lot Saturday through yesterday. I am going to really try today, tomorrow and Friday to get back on track and have 3 "No S" days in a row.

I like reading the boards and knowing others are struggling as much as I am. I can remember last year after being so successful, thinking, "This is great, I will never gain weight again after seeing how easy this is", but I am not going to beat myself up, I know that does no good at all. So here goes once more.....

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:35 pm
by reinhard

Well, sorry about all that physical and psychological stress and it's dietary side effects.... but I'm impressed no-s worked so well for you in the past, and that you have a fond enough memory of it to give it another go.

Not that you did this, but I think there is a temptation, once you reach a significant milestone in terms of results, to think "I don't really need to do this anymore. I've won. Game over." But of course, the real game just starts there: maintenance. The good news is no-s diet is optimized for maintenance, so if you can just convince yourself that this is true, your odds are good. Stress of course (and injury) make it much harder, but to some degree they are inevitable, and hard as it is, we have to steel ourselves to them.

Sorry if that degenerated into preachiness. Welcome back! And glad to hear about the positives that around going to make it easier for you to dig your heels in again.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:14 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Welcome back! We are here for you!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:12 pm
by scaissie
Thanks for the encouragement. Losing weight has always been fairly easy for me, it is the maintaining that is hard. Christmas always is bad for me, I seem to always gain weight, I think I gained 15 pounds this Christmas!! I could blame part of it on health problems perhaps, women with PCOD have more problems losing weight, but the truth is I was eating way too much junk, cookies, candy, chips and dip, etc., and I was able to lose 25 pounds last year being on the No S diet. I should have just resolved to maintain during Christmas, hopefully next Christmas will be better, I will have to plan ahead. I really like the simplicity of this plan, I have tried WW, Slim Fast, Nutri-System, etc., they worked for the short-term, but I got burned out fast on all of them.