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Question for vegans

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:21 am
by kccc
What can I use as an egg-substitute in a waffle recipe?

I'm not a vegan, but I'm inviting one to brunch. I have a waffle mix that I checked carefully for ingredients, and I bought soy milk to make it... but the mix also calls for "an egg or egg substitute."

The only egg substitute I could find comes in a huge package and costs a correspondingly huge amount - I'm reluctant to buy it for one lousy egg!

Any ideas? Can I try more oil, or some other liquid?

(Vegetarian cooking is no problem for me, but vegan is quite a stretch!)

Any help appreciated!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:29 am
by Jammin' Jan
I've always had a hard time with waffles, although French Toast and pancakes are pretty easy.

flax seed mixed in water until goopy, or tofu are supposed to work well. Go to and ask Chef Deb on the recipes board. She's very helpful.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:05 pm
by Spook
Dunno if this is any help, but when I make waffles I don't use eggs at all - my recipe is:

400g flour
2tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
300ml cold water
200ml milk
150g melted margarine

Presumably with soya milk this would be OK for your vegan friend?

I'm guessing that the eggs may be there to make the mixture rise, in which case maybe baking powder is the answer for your waffle mix.

Hope this is some use.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:23 pm
by kccc
Thanks, guys!

I usually make waffles from scratch too, but I'm hosting a drop-in New Year's Day Brunch for lots and lots of people, so I'm using Arrowhead Mills organic mixes for convenience - we'll be making up batches all morning, and people other than me may be mixing them up.

This year, a vegan friend is coming. I have vegan biscuits and muffins made (freezer), and want to do vegan waffles. There'll be fruit too, so I think she'll be okay from there. (She's not the type to fuss - just quietly eat what she can - but I want EVERYONE to have choices!)

After looking at the site Jan recommended (thanks, Jan!) I'm going to experiment ahead with a batch with nothing - just leave out the egg and add some extra liquid, and see how they come out. Maybe an extra pinch of baking powder. And if that doesn't work, I'll try Spook's recipe.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:00 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Try Aunt Jemima Original Pancake and Waffle Mix...I use this with soy milk and vegetable oil and don't use eggs when I make pancakes. Maybe it will work okay with waffles, too. It's a good mix.

Also...when I was with the McDougall Program, I developed a group of quick bread recipes which were vegan and good for a special breakfast. Here's the link to the file: ... ick+breads

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:29 am
by bonnieUK

I realise you've had your New Year's Day Brunch already, but just thought I'd share my egg replacement ideas!

I still haven't found the perfect egg replacement, but have discovered that it depends on the recipe.

For example:

Ground flaxseeds (+ extra water) - good for savoury dishes such as nut loaves, veggie burgers, veggie bakes etc. Works in some sweet recipes but the flax seed taste can overpower others.

Unsweetened soya milk - Something like 1 cup to replace 1 egg (reduce other fluids to compensate) - this is my favourite as it produces the lightest texture.

Soya flour (1 tablespoon + extra water) - good all round but can be a bit too heavy, plus increases cooking time.

Gram flour (Besan flour) - same as soya flour

Instant oats - yes really! about a spoonful + extra water, works in sweet and savoury dishes, I think the soluble fibre in oats is what helps with binding.

I'm not so keen on silken tofu as an egg replacement as I find it a bit heavy, but apparently that can work too.

Hope that helps in case you have vegan brunch guests again, happy new year! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:01 pm
by kccc
Well, I ended up just doing vegan muffins and biscuits, and offering to mix waffles, which she declined. There was also a lot of fruit and a veggie plate, and I had soy milk out for coffee, so I think she did okay.

Jan, I loved your recipe list. I printed out the pineapple-upside down cake to try, but didn't get to it. (Things got hectic toward the end!)

Thanks to all for the responses. This person is a friend, so I expect I'll have other occasions to use the info! :)