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Quick Update

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:56 am
by FarmerHal
Well I'm still here plugging away!

I have to admit like others, I"ve not been doing very well about snacking!! Mid afternoon and then after supper. But then I don't permasnack all day and I have cut out seconds all together. I still do S days, butnot as strict as I should be. And I'm working on that.

It'll be one year on the 16th, and in such time, even with my imperfect N days, I've gone from 245lbs to 220.5. Down from a size 22 to a (loose) 18!I've increased my fitness and I feel strong. I can easily run 2 miles in 20 mins or so. I love to push myself up the hills and I'm pushing a jogging stroller to boot. All summer long I rode bike and pulled a bike trailer with 2 kids in it. Talk about kick butt building up some nice muscles going up the hills and all over town on the bikes. We even rode out for "supper rides" had dinner and biked back home. Really love biking! It's too cold to do much of that now (I just don't have the proper gear yet) so I do a lot of treadmill, strength and yoga (I LOVE yoga! Who knew!) My new exercise motto (from Bob on biggest loser) Is "Make it Count!" So I find the strength to push myself.

So in all, this last year has been remarkable for me. I sleep much better at night from the exercise. I can easily take double steps up from our basement to the upstairs- this time last year I would huff and puff and my heart would pound just going up the stairs! Forget about exercising at that point!

I want to tighten up my N days, for sure. Cut out the afternoon stress snack. I'm not hungry, truely. I'm anxious because by then both my kids (3yr and 1yr) are driving me goofy LOL. Evening, I get hunger pangs, nothing that's going to kill me though, so I could wait till morning!

One nice thing is that I still have that FREEDOM from eating. It's hard to explain but even though I wasn't hungry, if it was 12noon, and lunch time, then it was time to EAT NOW, and I'd become anxious and stressed about it. Even while I was eating lunch I'd start thinking about dinner, what I'd make and stress and anxiety about that. Like it was my next "fix!"
I have realized over the year that I will not DIE for the next few hours to the next meal. That hunger is a feeling, and only a feeling, not a terrible bad awful feeling that is to be permanently avoided.
I learned (but still have issues) that snacking (crackers!!) is NOT going to relieve my stress in any way, but just add calories. After that last bite, stress will still be there and I was better off just dealing with the stress than trying to cover it up with some other feeling (a good feeling from eating something).


Still, overall, I consider myself a NoSer, still think of everyone often and I'll try to check in more often Hilary!! (baaad friend am I!) :)

Hope everyone has a great holiday, we are oging home for 2 weeks to see family for Christmas- first time in many, many years, so I'm very excited for that!

Take care,
Stay strong and make it count, noSers!!


Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:01 pm
by kccc
Tiffani, what a lovely, inspiring post!

Congratulations, and thanks for sharing!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:53 pm
by reinhard

This is great news! Thank you for sharing. Looks like we've got a spurt of new testimonials just in time for the new year's crowd.

What I think is interesting and important is that even though your adherence might not be perfect (snacking reduced but still there, etc.) No S has still brought you striking results. I think regularity of effort is far more important than degree of effort, and it sounds like you've made some moderate but consistent changes in your eating habits -- given time, those moderate regular changes have big effects. So I wouldn't worry too much about the mid-afternoon stress snack if you think it might overwhelm you to go without it. You might even want to promote it to a legitimate mini meal ("Afternoon Tea," perhaps?) and ditch the guilt.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:06 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Good for you! 25# in one year is great!

And remember that taking things slow is fine. As long as you are aware of a problem (like snacking) and also know how to beat it (Habit! Rah!) you will beat it eventually.

You can also think of it as setting a good example for your children.