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Returning Member

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:01 pm
by MerryKat
I love No S and I know it works and in the past have successfully followed it. However, I have been doing my "own thing" for the last while. And guess what - "It Does Not Work!!". I have gained heaps and I am totally fed up with myself. I have gotten into the "stuff it, I can't be bothered, so I am just going to munch!" mentality. Needless to say this is not good and the guilt that this causes is huge, which causes more munching!

My DH was trying to help this weekend and suggested I went to Sure Slim - one of these plans where they take bloods and give you a diet which helps with chemical balance and so on. The fact that he even mentioned it means that he has seen how out of control my eating is and the results in my body and how I am feeling. I am taking this as my wake up call and starting fresh.

I have started new weighloss charts, without all the past history and set up a challenge to myself.

The New Me!
1 - Pray for help (guidance and strength) first thing and throughout the day.
2 - No S Diet
3 - 2 litres Water per day
4 - Exercise (for me it is 8MM that is the most effective as I actually do it)

I have started my HabitCal here as well as made a calendar to hang in my cupboard that I will put stars on to give myself visual motivation.

I am not going to over think it, I am just going to stick to these 4 things and I know I will see results.

My starting weight is 78.5kg (172.7lb) and I feel BLAH!! I am setting a goal of sticking with this and letting my body adjust and find it's balance.


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:42 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Welcome back and good luck!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:56 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Glad you're back! Don't go away again!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:18 am
by gratefuldeb67
HI MO!!!!!!!
That post made me smile!
You'll get back into it, and yes please stay around! :wink:
I came back after about an 8 month absence and a 6 or 7 lb gain..
In the past two and a half months I'm now down 9 lbs...
It's nice that your Hubby is taking interest but you know you don't need to have your blood drawn to recommit to this and succeed!!!

Start a HabitCal for all your habit goals including NoS..
You'd be amazed how helpful it is in helping stay on track!
Love to you and your fam!
8) Debs x

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:19 am
by gratefuldeb67
ps.. I hope I'm remembering your first name right! If it's not Mo, just hit me over the head a few times :P

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:39 pm
by reinhard
Welcome back, MerryKat! Those sound like excellent habits to build. I hope you find the habitcal useful and look forward to seeing lots of green!


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:27 am
by MerryKat
Hello all you sweet people. Thank you all so much for your warm welcome.

Jan - I have every intention of staying here for good. No more experiments.

Debs - Glad to make you smile. Well done on your latest loss. I am blessed with a wonderful hubby who only wants to help but as a natural 'skinny' has no idea how food calls my name some days. I know in my heart that for me the thing that works best is some prayer, some water, some exercise and No S to regulate the food intake. I have started my HabitCal, but I seem to be battling to save my entries - I will keep on trying (obviously doing something wrong!). Yes you have a great memory, I am MO.

Reinhard - thanks once again for this fab system. I love the principal of HabitCal - simple yet effective (just like No S).

Hugs to all

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:05 pm
by reinhard
Hi MerryKat,

Are you using Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista? Another user has reported having a problem saving on that platform. (unfortunately I don't have access to that exact combination just yet -- xp and IE 7 is the closest I can get, and that works albeit with some annoying quirks).


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:31 pm
by MerryKat
I am your worst nightmare, I have no idea what software is on this machine, I just work with it! How, what and where are not my problem, that is when I yell for the IT guys. Ask me to do something on the package and I am fine, I will figure it out if I don't know, but the behind the scenes are a mystery to me! I know it has all been updated fairly recently, but as far as I know we are not on Vista yet - on the one before.

Thanks for your note.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:45 pm
by reinhard
I envy you! I wish I could get away with not knowing. But I have to to keep these darn sites useful.


I'll bet you do, Reinhard!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:02 am
by tomahawkk
I checked out your name on Amazon looking for that book? And you actually authored a couple of computer manuals! Wow! Way to go, bud! You're smart in more ways than one!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:06 am
by SlinkyRara

I am very close in weight to you - I'm 171lbs and would like to lose 14lbs. I'm in the UK and we do things in 'stones' still, so I guess it's a stone I'd like to lose (14lbs = 1 stone).

Anyway ...!! I lost 28lbs (or 2 stone) on Weight Watchers and have put a stone back on. I am not so much cross with myself, more at a loss for what to do next.

I know some people have gotten great results from No-S and I really hope I can add myself to the list. I started last week and apart from one day I stuck to it.

My S-days this week were ridiculously high in rubbish, but I suppose that's ok. No failure.

Good luck with your plan to lose weight. Wish you lots of success.

Kind regards

Slinky in UK.

Re: Returning Member

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:42 am
by katie1980
MerryKat wrote:I have started my HabitCal here as well as made a calendar to hang in my cupboard that I will put stars on to give myself visual motivation.
Hi! I'm a newbie at all this - just started last week, and already I'm loving it.
I've used the stars on the calendar to track a lot of things, and I find it *so* good to have a visual "hit" of how well you're doing :) Small things make me happy - I get a buzz from putting that little sticky on the calendar that is way out of proportion to what it actually is. But it's more about what it symbolises!
Good for you :)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:08 pm
by Jaxhil
LOL-I love those little stars too!! I know what you mean about the unreasonable buzz, hehehe!! But hey, whatever works, right? :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:17 am
by katie1980
Jaxhil wrote:LOL-I love those little stars too!! I know what you mean about the unreasonable buzz, hehehe!! But hey, whatever works, right? :lol:
You know it! :lol:
And looking at the calendar with all its little twinkly stars gives me a warm fuzzy feeling - knowing that I can stick to something, if there's a reward! (Even if said reward is 2 seconds sticking a shape on my calendar!)

I have some great stickers that I got in a school area of a UK office supply store - they're cute little stars, and they have a simple smiley face on them. So the stars themselves look like they're impressed with my achievements! 8)