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Bold, italic, etc.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:29 am
by mondurvic
Seem to be hogging the forum tonight. My apologies.

This one is not about diet, but about how to use Bold, Italic, Underline, etc. in my message. I see the boxes above, but highlighting the words in my text then clicking on the box just results in initials to the left and right of the word. Have no idea how to include a quote from someone else, either.

I know how to do all these things in my usual Outlook program, but am stumped in this forum. Can anyone help?


font tricks

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:22 pm
by Kevin
Simply highlight with the cursor the words you want to embolden or italicize, then press the button.

If you copy from a previous message into your message body, then highlight and press the Quote button, it'll appear quoted.

You'll know the text is highlighted where you are typing becuase you'll see the markup codes around it. And yes, you can just type the codes if you want to.