Help! Just can't seem to get started.

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Help! Just can't seem to get started.

Post by Writer110 » Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:40 pm

Hi all,

I really, really want to believe in this. Every morning I wake up and say "Today is the day." So I start and have some sort of normal breakfast like a bagel & cream cheese. And then I start to freak out- "Why are you having wheat? You're totally going to get fat! Dairy is the worst! What are you thinking?" And then I fall right back into the diet mentality, feel like I've failed and end up eating 5,000 m&m's.

This year I have flip-flopped among doing Atkins, Fit for Life & the Blood Type diet- literally 100s of times. As a result I've gained 10 pounds for a total of now 20 to lose. I had success from all of those- just I couldn't stick with any of them. Deprivation is a crazy-maker for me.

So I guess I'm just needing some sort of reassurance. Does this really work? If I've lost weight on other diets can I do it eating bread, cheese etc as long as I follow the rules? Has it happened to anyone else who originally could only lose on diets (but couldn't keep it off)? I understand that it's slow, I'm fine with that. And I understand that I shouldn't be eating a loaf of bread with a pound of cheese at each meal. But I'm just so afraid to add these foods back in. But on the other hand, by restricting these foods I only end up bingeing. I know the answer seems obvious but I suppose I just need to hear a little success. I seem to be afraid to start.

What sort of success have people had eating from ALL the food groups? Thank you so much for your help. I just really want to be able to let go of the diet mentality & be normal & get on with my life.


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Post by Toro » Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:01 pm

I'm a newbie here too, about 7 weeks into it but I couldn't be more pleased with my results so I'll give you my two cents. When I first started I read a few posts from long time No essers who had lost significant amounts over the period of one year or more. I used this as my motivation. Try and go back and find some of these posts.

But still, like anything I had my doubts. About a year ago I tried Hoodia and went on a message board to see what people were saying and they were all saying how Hoodia was as advertised and took away their appetite. Well, it didn't work for me, not even slightly.

So there's always doubt when you're trying something new so you have to just force yourself to trust it. And remember, this isn't some quick dramatic weight loss program, so you have to be super patient.

Look at it this way. What's another 21 days. Give it the 21 days and see what happens.

P.S. And here are my results. 12 pounds in 7 weeks. But that's not what I'm so happy about. What I'm happy about is that food no longer rules me. And here is the really funny thing, I'm enjoying food more now than I ever have.

As for the 4 major food groups, I eat whatever I like without guilt, except of course sweets. Btw, I too tried Atkins, a diet that I now consider totally hideous.

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Post by Ink » Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:28 pm

Rest assured - this does work!

Sure, it works even better if you try to eat at least moderately "clean", but by avoiding sugar and just eating your three squares there's simply a limit to how many calories it's possible to consume. The type of food is not the issue, the amount you eat of it is!

Bread is good for you (though white bread may be less so), cheese too! Common sense, and all things in moderation, will carry you through.

And of course, exercise of any form will take weight loss/body composition to a new level. The body loves to move, so move it! :)

Best of luck!


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Post by reinhard » Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:49 pm

It works, and I eat everything (except "diet food"). I drink whole milk, I buy extra high fat butter because it tastes better, and though I get plenty of vegetables and whole grains, potatoes and pasta and white bread are also regulars. Sound impossible? Well it shouldn't. It's how we ate as little as 25 years ago when we were mostly thin.

It's the 5000 m&ms that are your problem, not the bagel and cream cheese. So relax, enjoy, and be patient.

By all means, fit more "clean" foods in, but do it in a positive way, not with prohibitions of unclean foods, but by (for example) making your default rice brown rice, or you default bread black bread, or your default breakfast whole grain cereal. But I wouldn't worry too much about this. This is the easy part. The hard part is building the mealing habits.

Good luck!


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Post by Writer110 » Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:13 pm

Thank you so much for the responses! They are exactly what I needed to hear. This just seems like such a wonderful plan- thank you reinhard for getting it out there. I'm looking forward to getting started & really committing to it. I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most though, as Toro mentioned, is not feeling ruled by food. It's an obsession I can do without! :D

Thanks again everyone!

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Post by kccc » Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:24 pm

Just wanted to add encouragement... I lost on WW (reached goal), but kept "re-bounding" - gaining just a little back and having to go back on the diet.

I hated it. I hated paying SO much attention to food that I couldn't enjoy it. And while WW works, it takes a LOT of attention.

No-S is SO much simpler. I've been doing it for about a month (I think - haven't counted) and it is just easier mentally. Plus, I have a better relationship with food. Instead of analyzing the food on my plate (how many calories? how much fat?), I focus on my body - am I full or hungry? And I get to enjoy what I do decide to eat. That's a BIG plus! :)

If it makes you feel better, don't eat foods that set you off in a panic attack at first. Have oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, or something like that - whatever helps you feel secure. Then branch out as you get more comfortable with it.

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Post by zoolina » Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:18 am

I'm only two weeks in, so I don't know if I have the kind of perspective you want, but what I'm doing is just 21 days. If I like it I'll commit to another 21 days. Then another. Hearing the words "the rest of your life" just makes me want to binge.


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