The lamest Halloween treat ever!

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The lamest Halloween treat ever!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:26 pm

Hahah.. How was everyone's Halloween eh?!

Richard came back with probably five pounds of candy, but amongst all the chocolate, jelly beans and other sticky stuff, he had one really bad treat.. Way too healthy!!
Sorry Rein, I know this is your default lunch most days! :wink:
Someone actually gave him a packet of *low sugar* instant oatmeal!!!! :shock:

He told me they didn't have anything else to offer and we were both laughing about it!
He said, "I felt sorry for him so I took it anyway" LOL!!!! :lol:
We both got a big laugh out of it! :D

Well the rest of it all is packed away and out of sight now. I don't think we will have to buy candy for a few months of S days :)

Have a nice day all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Toro » Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:03 pm

Past years I've had some good Haloweens and some real bad ones but even the years of good ones it was a struggle on monumental proportions to resist.

My wife always overbuys on the candy and this year was no exception. Target had a sale on full sized candy bars, all the good brands, and she bought 90 of em.

We took turns passing them out. Years past, a group of kids come to door, the kids all get their treat and then I would get one for myself and eat it until the next group came.

This year, I can hardly believe this, I wasn't even tempted. I mean, not at all. I'm 6 weeks into this and I guess the good habit of not snacking has really taken hold.

And finally after the scale being stubborn for a while, a sudden 3 pound loss for a total of 10.5 lbs.

P.S. Just had my annual physical and told my Doctor about NoS and he was super interested, he wrote it down and when I was dressing could overhear him telling a couple of his weight challenged assistants about it.

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:30 pm

Good for you. It is about time the doctors paid attention to this site. It is free and it works.
I decided to skip handing out treats this year and my husband and I watched a movie instead. We live in a transitioning neighborhood and the last couple of years we had very few trick or treaters. I ate most of the left overs. Last year I did better because I told each kid to take a handful. They were super thrilled and that left less for me. This year I opted out because it was rainy, cold and I had a cold too. Just as well.

I love the part about Richie feeling sorry for him so he took the oatmeal! Too great.
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Post by kccc » Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:30 am

We have started giving out glow necklaces for Halloween - the kids LOVE them, and there's no temptation for us. (And they help keep kids safer walking in the dark, which I feel good about.) We buy them in bulk, so they aren't too pricey.

However, our son came home with a bagful of candy. We let him have all he wanted that night, then put it in the candy basket on top of the fridge. He can have a piece after dinner each night.

I am pleased to say that I haven't even been tempted. :) Maybe on Saturday... and maybe not!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:13 am

I'm glad you KCCC and Toro have moved beyond being tempted by this stuff already already. That was quick!

There's a bag of kit kats and almond joys and twix bars and other delightful halloween junk in our fridge right now. Like you, I'm not even tempted.

Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff. And will wolf it down with relish come Saturday. But after years on no-s, such an obvious violation of the rules as eating candybars on an N-day seems impossible.

I wasn't born with this kind of willpower. And it isn't even willpower -- it's habit.

In college, I had a skinny roommate who was a candy hoarder. He'd buy these big bags of candy to be savored in dainty increments, over many months. But to me, open, uneaten bags of candy almost seemed like a moral offense. Anyone who could resist them obviously didn't appreciate and deserve them. So I found them a better, more loving home -- my stomach. Eventually my roommate got tired of this, and when he bought his next enormous bag of m&ms, he decided to play it safe and not even open it until he'd enjoyed hoarding it for a good and long time. With righteous, gluttonous craftiness, I took an exacto knife and made a little m&m size insertion in the seam. It was completely invisible unless you lifted the seam and stared right at it from a couple inches away, and small enough that you could handle the bag without unintentionally spewing its contents. After a few days, when the bag was about half empty, I had sufficiently amused and sated myself to reveal to my roommate how his hoarding hubris had been punished. That's the kind of candybar eater I am by "nature!"


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Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:20 am


Somehow I missed your post.

Very funny... you've got a sweet kid (even if his oatmeal isn't).

Ritchie will be happy to know that I, the diet guru, gave out kit kats and skittles this halloween. If there's one day in the year to enjoy stuff like that with a clear conscience, this is it.


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