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I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:56 pm
by Mustloseweight
These are grim times. I am here because the only way to do this is accept the food available in shops with gratitude and get on with it. Can anyone inspire me to start moving move. Love peace and safety to everyone. Anne x

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:41 pm
by automatedeating
Hi there!
One thing that isn't grim is the beauty of the outdoors. I am spending a lot of time outside.
My neighbors and I say hello and everyone is friendly. Being outside is peaceful and calming to my soul.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:04 pm
by Whosonfirst
Mustloseweight wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:56 pm
These are grim times. I am here because the only way to do this is accept the food available in shops with gratitude and get on with it. Can anyone inspire me to start moving move. Love peace and safety to everyone. Anne x
Hi MLW, I'm not around here much anymore, but wanted to commend you on the weight you've lost already. As to motivation, I'd say start small, don't think you have to walk or run for an hour every day, or 30-45 minutes of yoga or cycling. Start small, if you watch tv, maybe get up at commercial and march in place, lifting your knees high. Of course doing an activity you like makes it easier. We're eating a lot simpler menu here too, just grateful at what's available, but that could change, as farmers are hurting. Good luck.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:50 pm
by Mustloseweight
Whosonfirst wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:04 pm
Mustloseweight wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:56 pm
These are grim times. I am here because the only way to do this is accept the food available in shops with gratitude and get on with it. Can anyone inspire me to start moving move. Love peace and safety to everyone. Anne x
Hi MLW, I'm not around here much anymore, but wanted to commend you on the weight you've lost already. As to motivation, I'd say start small, don't think you have to walk or run for an hour every day, or 30-45 minutes of yoga or cycling. Start small, if you watch tv, maybe get up at commercial and march in place, lifting your knees high. Of course doing an activity you like makes it easier. We're eating a lot simpler menu here too, just grateful at what's available, but that could change, as farmers are hurting. Good luck.
Hi thanks for your suggestions. Think I may start with a small circuit of such things say 30 sec on five things and repeat a few times. I did do more cleaning today which is progress in itself. Stay safe 👍

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:53 pm
by Mustloseweight
automatedeating wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:41 pm
Hi there!
One thing that isn't grim is the beauty of the outdoors. I am spending a lot of time outside.
My neighbors and I say hello and everyone is friendly. Being outside is peaceful and calming to my soul.
Hiya, you are right. The dawn chorus is amazing. I have been out in my little garden a bit but as a person who was slightly agoraphobic before lockdown, I am not a big walker. I do just like to sit on my patio and read weather permitting as long as there aren’t idiots spoiling everyone’s peace with music blaring.

Hope you are ok. Stay safe 👍

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:30 am
by DMJ75
I have tried to go outside everyday and walk since being at home. On the few times that I used a pedometer at work, I always got 2,000-4,000 steps...sometimes 5,000. I am making it my goal to get at least 3,000 steps each day. It's not a lot, but it reminds me to get off my bottom.

I know things are terrible right now for many, many people. I try to be thankful everyday. I look at the bees, wasps, ants, birds, squirrels, and rabbits that love my yard as much as I They remind me that life will go on. Walking outside is a wonderful way to get moving.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:22 am
by LadyFartFace
I'm here too!

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:19 pm
by cb3g
I'm here too!

In terms of inspiration to get are a few things that work for me:

1) Move as reward, not as punishment. Move in ways that make you feel good, that you look forward to. Do not worry about the "exercise" value. Instead, just do something that makes you feel good. Some options that might be nice for someone who doesn't "like" exercise. Maybe it's a really easy, relaxed yoga sequence each morning before you start work. Maybe it's going for a walk early in the morning before other people are out and about. Maybe it's dancing around in your living room. Maybe it's playing hop scotch with your kids. Maybe it's riding your bike.

2) If you do feel that now is a moment where you need to "get in shape" remember that getting in shape sucks, but exercising once you are in shape is fun. It takes time to make the transition, stick with it.

3) A star chart always works wonders for me. At the beginning of each year I buy a cheap mini calendar to put on my fridge and some fun stickers. Ever day that I work out, I mark with a sticker. I know in my own mind what "counts" as working out and what doesn't. It's for you to define, no rules. I find this delightful for some stupid reason, especially if the stickers are really cute. I've been doing it for years.

4) Working out is easier when someone else just tells you what to do, and when you don't have to make a lot of decisions. Finding a video series on Amazon Prime or YouTube can be extremely helpful. Look for something that goes on for many days, so that each day all you have to do is press play. (Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, a 30 day yoga challenge, Insanity with Sean T, etc).

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:06 pm
by automatedeating
Move as reward, not as punishment. Move in ways that make you feel good, that you look forward to.
Love this!

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:44 am
by oolala53
You're back! It looks like most people are just using the check-in threads, but there are some dedicated users there. As you can see, I drop in sometimes. Still give mad props to No S.

A disadvantage for me now is that I do not get an email alert when someone adds to a thread. Where should I look when I come to see how you're doing? It doesn't look like you liked using a check-in thread.

How's the angina? I hope I didn't sound too rough when I responded to a question you asked about a year ago.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 1:29 pm
by OhioHeather
I’m here too... a relative newbie. I love the idea idea of the forums, but I am using the No-S program more for habit formation and to build my confidence for change vs for weight loss (although I have plenty of weight to lose). It seems like most are firmly on the diet track. I have just purchased shovelglove fixin’s, but am working on firmly establishing the basic 3 meals and 14 minutes foundation first (on an exercise bicycle for now). I have gotten to a place in my life where establishing any sort of sustained habit has become a steep mountain to climb, so I took a hint from the Everyday Systems podcast (which, by the way, I listen to over and over - GEMS!!!), and backed the starting points back to something readily achievable for where I am.
So, 3 meals no snacks, but sweets are still on the table for now. 7 minutes exercise daily, done first thing or I can be talked out of it! :)

Looking forward to hearing how others are faring! Happy Mother’s Day, all!

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 12:03 pm
by gingerpie
A lot of us are here - just quiet :wink:
Perhaps one of these will help:
1) It doesn't have to be much to help you feel better, honest. The benifits of successfully meeting an easy goal are tremendous and you'll build up naturally at your own pace. Success builds from success. Start at 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes of something easy but interesting to you and build up when you feel ready.
2) Motivation is over rated. Habit and discipline are the key. No one is motivated to brush their teeth every day but they do it because it's habit and it's easy (see #1) You can probably come up with a hundred things that you do every day out of habit - no motivation required. How do you create a daily exercise habit? You exercise everyday. Non-negotiable but it's so easy that there's no excuse not to.
3) "Nature kills Sadness" don't know who said it but it's true. Find nature if you can. Walk in it, smell it, touch it. Don't know where you live but try to notice the flowers, plants and animals as you walk. They exist even in many cities. If you absolutely can't go to nature try to bring nature to you. Put on videos of nature while you try out yoga or listen to recordings of bird song. Maybe buy a few plants to make a green space in your home.
4) Go easy on yourself but not too easy. These are grim times, as you say. Some days are better than others - that's just the way it is.

Kind regards,

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:47 am
by oolala53
Best to Gingerpie, but I want to add that reminding myself of my motivations over and over was key in getting to habit. And a lot of them had more to do with wanting to overcome my compulsive overeating and be a moderate eater than weigh a certain amount. If it had been weight, I would have been miserable a lot of the time because I plateaued plenty. But I always felt like I won if I had a green N day. I knew it was the best I could do, no matter what the scale said.

Enjoy your S days.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:08 pm
by BrightAngel
Dropped by to say "Hi".

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:22 pm
by Octavia
oolala53 wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 7:47 am
If it had been weight, I would have been miserable a lot of the time because I plateaued plenty. But I always felt like I won if I had a green N day. I knew it was the best I could do, no matter what the scale said.
Golden words! Thanks Oolala.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:36 pm
by Desert Rat
I'm here! I'm here! Ready to begin again (again).

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:14 am
by automatedeating
hey there desert rat! Lovely to have you back. :-)

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 7:45 am
by oolala53
Saying hi and reporting that with further refinements to my meals I now weigh about the same as I did when I was a sophomore in high school- 50 years ago.

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:28 pm
by ChandaLikePanda
I'm here! Although I don't post very much, more of a lurker.