Could S Day Normalcy Help

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Could S Day Normalcy Help

Post by beginagain » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:42 am

Does this seem like an option that would help me not overeat? On S Days continue to eat 3 single plate meals, but have something special that's more calorie dense than I would have during the week ? That would be my S Day exception. Snacking and Seconds leads me to binge on s days. Portion control is my goal, I've been getting used to using 9" plates most of the time. I follow N day rules, then S days come, and the idea of the whole weekend eventually gets out of control. By Sunday night I feel in danger of thinking No S isn't the way to go for me. But Monday gets me back on track. No progress in weight loss since starting January 9. I'm bicycling 30 mins every morning and doing other stuff too. But going through menopause too. Still, it's the s day bingeing that's my problem.

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Post by reinhard » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:43 pm

Hi beginagain,

There are many options!

The fact that you've got N days down is a big deal and gives you a solid foundation to work on. And it's great that you've got the exercise component in place too.

Here are a few suggestions -- I'd start with the smallest, clearest, most moderate change, as it seems to you. If that does the trick, then great. If not, replace or supplement with another.

1. Give yourself some number of S events per S day. Maybe you get just one snack, sweet, or second. Or maybe you get one of each. Or maybe you get 2 events, and you can choose which kind of S each is.

2. Keep an S day only food journal where you only have to keep track of S events. There are no hard limits, but you have to record all esses. It's a bother to do this, and can be embarrassing, so it provides a bit of a speed bump.

3. Distinguish between ordinary (lowercase) s-days and truly special (capital) S-days (major holidays etc). On lowercase days, whatever limits you set above apply. On capital S-days, you are totally free.

Just a few ideas.

But remember, this moderate weight loss business takes time. One should approximate expect half a pound a week. It's hard to see that kind of slow progress over a week or even a month. It's very possible, though you're feeling frustrated now, that even the status quo of what you're doing will start to deliver measurable results in time.


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Post by beginagain » Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:09 pm

Reinhard, thank you!
It's exciting to get advice from you. I am planning now to implement ALL of it.
I appreciate you, sir.
God bless you!

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Post by MaggieMae » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:59 pm

I love those suggestions! I might consider one of those as well. I always have good intentions of not snacking on S days and by Saturday night I feel like an out-of-control glutton.

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Post by beginagain » Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:11 pm

It's Sunday evening and the advice from Reinhard works. I also re- listened to the podcast on S Days Gone Wild. Thinking ahead with clear intentions of the s-event, and jotting it down in a steno pad, gave me the reward without feeling or getting out of control. Amazing!

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