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I need a Quitting Sugar Buddy

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:42 pm
by freegirl
I need a Quitting Sugar Buddy. I know that sugar is allowed on S days, but I want to try this as an experiment - for three months. I want to commit to three months without sugar, document my journey, evaluate the results, and then decide if I want to commit to another three months. Having a buddy would definitely help. Anyone interested?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:30 am
by gingerpie
Hi freegirl,

I quit sugar about 3 years ago and love it. (Except naturally occurring sugar in fruit/veg as well as wine) After many trials, I never crave sweets anymore although I well occasionally eat some because it looks good. I'm almost always disappointed though because sweets are made to look better than they taste.

It is quite challenging to get the sugar or if your diet and will require a lot of label reading enically. But if you are up for it, it is very satisfying.

I'll happily support you in your journey if you like although I don't quite qualify as a "buddy".

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:23 pm
by freegirl
Thank you, Gingerpie! You'll be the perfect buddy. You went through the process, so you'll be able to support me better through the obstacles. I'll send you my email.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:04 pm
by thesmartestkid
Hi, Freegirl

I'm very interested in that experiment. Wouldn't be able to do it alone, though.

Let me know if you, or someone else, wants another budy.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:53 pm
by leafy_greens
I am intrigued at the thought of quitting sugar but to actually do it terrifies me. I would be interested in your progress. I am always jealous of those people who say they "never crave sugar anymore." At best, I have had 3 perfect months of No S and crave it constantly. I guess everyone is different.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:57 pm
by freegirl
In my last attempt I was sugar-free 51 days. Then I started eating it, and went on vacation soon after. In 2008 I was sugar-free 8 months.

I feel much better when I don't eat sugar, but striving for perfection is not the answer either. Two S days a week are too much for me. I'll try with once a week and see how it goes.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:45 am
by osoniye
I'd like to get in on this experiment. I will plan to be "no added sugar" for 3 months, April 15-July 15th.
My doctor "suggested" I go this route a while back, but I didn't see it as feasible. Now I have an older friend who is living this way, and she has lost quite a bit of weight, not changing anything else. Her resolve around sweets is an inspiration to me, and I'm ready to give it a try. I like the idea of 3 months, as it's solid, but not "forever".
Thanks for suggesting this, freegirl!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:11 pm
by osoniye
I'm really psyched about this "no sugar for 3 months" thing. Today (Day 1) went great, and I enjoyed my coffee drinks with no sugar at all. I have informed a couple of friends of my intentions, so they don't get caught off guard, baking a cake and expecting me to eat some or whatever. It seems to be meeting with support, more so than some declaration that "I will never eat sugar again" would, I think.
I don't know if others will use this thread to keep up with how things are going-? I guess I'll move to posting on my check-in thread about this, if I don't see others using this thread that way.
Good luck to any and all who are planning to try this!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:05 am
by freegirl
I'll post my updates here.

Yesterday was my first sugar-free day in a new series. I will not aim for perfection this time. We are going to our friend's birthday party on May 9. His wife always makes a lot of delicious cakes and cookies. I will not eat sugar until then.

Note that I am eating snacks. I pre-plan them, so I don't eat junk when I am hungry.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:23 pm
by osoniye
Hi, freegirl- I'm glad this is going well for you. I find it so much easier to be inspired by something new when I know I am not alone, somebody is doing it with me! I'm really glad you started this thread.
Today is Day 3 for me, and it went really well. I have managed to sidestep some sweet things at my morning tea time which has doubled as breakfast time this week. These days have been at the office, and I was able to choose crunchy things (crackers, bread sticks) and fruit, instead of the sweet muffins, and borderline cake/bread things. After that, lunch and supper were easy to do as one savory plate.
I have a special dinner thing tomorrow evening, and I really want to have a heavy plate of food, and skip the dessert. I know the food will be special and satisfying, even without dessert, and I want to enjoy that to the full, and not come away as I normally would bloated and on a sugar high/sleepy.
This is not about being "deprived" on an S day, but rather eating in a way that I know will leave me feeling better physically.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:46 am
by osoniye
The no sugar thing was harder to figure out this weekend than I expected it to be. Some funny stuff- during a play intermission, juice was an option for a drink, but the juice was served in pitchers, so I had no way to read the label to see if there was added sugar in it. Later on, a friend served me some sugar glazed peanuts. I probably should have given them a miss because there was obviously sugar involved, but it was very little and it was social eating, so I gave in. Now that I think of it, I did have a teaspoon of jam on an otherwise savory item at supper. It's funny how much of an adjustment it is to go from "no sweets" most days to "no sugar".
Anyway, I happily skipped dessert and feel the day was mostly a success.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:50 pm
by freegirl
Sonya, you are doing fine. There is no point in obsessing about every little bit of sugar. It is important to notice how much you eat. If you are eating just a couple teaspoons worth of sugar a day, In my opinion you can consider yourself sugar-free. Especially in social situation - you don't want to be all tense and involved in dialogue in your head (should I or shouldn't I....) instead of enjoying yourself and your company. If you are not sure if something has sugar in it, eat/drink just a little.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:27 am
by osoniye
Hi freegirl,
Yes, I see what you mean about not obsessing about every little bit of sugar. And it is probably wise to eat a little bit of something questionable rather than shooting for perfection. I just get kind of caught up in a challenge, and do find eradicating sugar from my diet to take more attention than I expected it would.
The past few days have gone fine. I really haven't run into too much temptation, and have enjoyed my meals, even if they are a little bit odd at times. Tonight I am going to a meeting where I sometimes eat the provided snack as supper. The thing is, you can never be 100% sure there will be something savory. Several of us are trying to cut back on sugar and have made suggestions, but we'll see what there is tonight.
How is quitting sugar going for you?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:31 pm
by Misha
I'll be your buddy, too. I need to get back on track with this.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:39 pm
by osoniye
Hi Misha,
Welcome. I hope we can all be buddies together in this.
Do you have specific goals (time frame, level of strictness)?
I'm thinking of trying to post here on Mondays, to check in with how the sugar free S days went.
I hope this goes well for you. I'm enjoying the challenge so far and feel a lot better physically without the sugar.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:05 pm
by Misha
osoniye wrote:Hi Misha,
Welcome. I hope we can all be buddies together in this.
Do you have specific goals (time frame, level of strictness)?
I'm thinking of trying to post here on Mondays, to check in with how the sugar free S days went.
I hope this goes well for you. I'm enjoying the challenge so far and feel a lot better physically without the sugar.
Hi! Because I’m starting over, it may be easier to stay away from sugar for 21 days rather than negotiate by dabbling in sugar on the weekends. At the end of 21 days, I will either recommit or redefine my abstinence from sugar.

A Monday check-in works great for me!

For now, my definition of no sugar is avoiding sweets -- pies, ice cream, candy, etc.. The weekends actually present more sugar problems for me than the weeks do.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:09 am
by moderatemeals
Hi everyone -
I'd love to join in as well. I'm giving up most sugar in the form of highly processed treats. If sugar is the 1st or 2nd ingredient, I'm considering it off limits for the most part..even on weekends. I'm trying to do this for a year if I can...more as an experiment in how it affects me overall. On weekends, I'm still going to allow myself treats but I'm going to keep them healthier (i.e. yogurts but with cocoa mixed in instead of ice cream). Not exactly in the spirit of No S but my sugar consumption would has become a huge problem...I'd actually classify it as an addiction of sorts javascript:emoticon(':cry:')

I'd love the support of buddies!!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:37 am
by Over43
I need a sugar mamma.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:34 am
by osoniye
moderatemeals wrote:I'd actually classify it as an addiction of sorts
I wonder about this for myself, I'm not really sure. I am surprised while trying this, how much sugar normally creeps in on a dialy basis. The only reason this is going pretty well is that I had worn down my chocolate/candy stores as well as hot cocoa packets, so there isn't much in the house to work on. I absolutely refuse to buy any more till this 3 months is over. It's nice to see you over here, I wish you the best.
Hi Over43- Welcome over here. Are you giving up sugar for the weight loss competition you mentioned in your check-in thread?

Please clarify what we mean by 'No Sugar'

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:45 pm
by Mustloseweight
By quitting sugar do you mean the sweet tasting blatant offenders only? By this I mean cakes, sweets, chocolate, puddings and the white stuff added to coffee etc. What about sugar in things like flavoured yoghurt? Where do you stand on hidden sugar in savoury foods like sugar in cooking sauces like jars of curry sauce. Do you go so far as to include starch as a modified sugar and therefore cut out bread, rice, pasta, potatoes etc.

Sorry to ask so many questions but I really find this quite fascinating and cant wait to see how you get on - might even take up the challenge myself!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:57 pm
by osoniye
Hi mustloseweight-
Good question!
I personally am avoiding the sweet tasting "blatant offenders", which for me include things like flavored yoghurt. I haven't yet eaten any bottled stuff since I started, like jars of curry sauce, but in theory I'd like to avoid anything with sugar on the label. That probably would mean I still get some added sugar in restaurant food that I do not know is there, because I cannot read the label. I did eat a teaspoon of jam and some glazed peanuts the other day and call that a bit of funny stuff. I'd like to avoid that stuff next time. I'm still sort of getting used to this.
I don't consider white starch as a sugar. I try to eat the healthier alternatives like brown rice, whole wheat bread/pasta, and sweet potatoes when possible, but I consider that a separate issue.
I'd be interested to hear what others think.
Hope you decide to join us!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:27 am
by moderatemeals
Hi mustloseweight-
For me, I'm trying to avoid foods where the first or second ingredient is sugar in any form. I'm only referring to processed foods. I am allowing myself any/all fruits. I also allow myself a hot cocoa (which I'm sure has sugar as the top 2 ingredients) but because it's not something I would overeat/binge on, I'm allowing it for now. I'm not as concerned with what is in food when I'm eating out...I don't want to drive myself crazy. Honestly, if I can just avoid it more when I'm home, it will be a huge success for me!

In the case of something like yogurt, I would just look for one that doesn't have sugar as its top 2 ingredients. Siggi's greek yogurt is an option for me but most other yogurts aren't. Even if my challenge doesn't work, I've educated myself on just how much sugar is in everything!! You'd be shocked at how sugar makes it into the top 2 ingredients in most things!!

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:58 pm
by osoniye
Hi Everybody!
Things went well this weekend. I was to provide a snack for a friend and myself Saturday evening, and took some cheese puffs (no sugar in the ingredients on the label), some peanuts and some sesame barley crackers. I think my friend would have preferred brownies, but she was all right with it. I gave a miss to some cookies that were provided at another event, and remained strong against sweetened coffee creamer. Really, it hasn't been as hard avoiding "sweets" as an S day treat, as it is to avoid any sugar source during the week itself. But I think it will settle in to a routine.
I find some things (like fresh baked pumpkin) taste so sweet all on their own, when I'm away from sugar as an ingredient!
How is everyone else doing?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:56 am
by freegirl
I am re-starting my no sugar habit tomorrow. I've read my notes from Feb and March when I was off sugar. I felt so much better! My life was so much sweeter without sugar! Now I feel heavy and bloated, my knee and my shoulder started hurting again. But I am sure I'll feel better in a week :)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:58 am
by osoniye
Hi freegirl,
Welcome back to the "no sugar" fold. I trust you'll start feeling all the benefits of being without sugar soon!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:45 am
by gingerpie
Good to see you back Freegirl :D I had fits of starting and stopping for ages before the habit stuck. I don't remember exactly but I think I've been working on no-added-sugar for 4 (maybe 5) years or so and it was just this year that I feel confident that I 'got it'. Thanks to Rinehart's "s-day" concept I have a way to handle celebration days which was the last piece I needed tomake it a true lifestyle change and not think of it as a dietary restriction. To be honest, it is my own experience with eliminating added sugar in my diet that gives me the confidence to keep plugging away at eliminating snacks and establishing a glass ceiling. (Yes, I know alcohol is sugar x 10 :wink: I'll get there eventually)

Anyway, my point is: Sometimes we have to be very, very patient with ourselves. Give yourself a big hug from me and go be nice to those joints. . . You're going to need them when you are old.

Good luck today.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:08 pm
by freegirl
Thanks Sonya and Virginia!

Virginia, I think that your approach brings sanity to 'no sugar'. If I understand correctly, you generally don't eat any added sugar, but have some occasionally on S days (birthdays, other celebrations). Do you try to restrict how much you eat on S days?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:51 pm
by gingerpie
No, I don't restrict anything if it is an appropriate time/place to eat sweets. Assuming I want it, I'll have as much as I'm in the mood for. But, to be honest, I don't want much anymore. One slice of anything is more than enough and pretty often I'm able to get buy with a cup of coffee or tea when others are having their cake. -the exception is when I'm with my husband. He sucks me in every time ;)

No-s really helped with this because when I started to eliminate sugar I thought "I don't want to eat any sugar". But that mind set just set me up for a lot of unnessesary internal conflict. When I read about the concept of s-days, it gave me a way to handle those situations because, let's face facts, celebratory food is celebrating something and we want to be a part of it too!

I've always been pretty good at the "don't beat myself up" after a fail part. I don't know why. It's just not how my brain works. I (generally) don't expect more of myself than I expect of others and I know that if my kids, for example, fail at something I'd never say "Well, you'd better just give up then. You'll never get it right." Of course we'd never say that. We'd say, "Well, you'd better get busy figuring out what went wrong so you can succeed next time." I know thIs is a really had step for a lot of folks. To turn that level of support into ourselves. But, really, I honestly believe that the willingness to be kind to ourselves along with the steadfast fortitude to confront our own weaknesses: i.e. what is standing in the way of our own best interests, is key to success.

I hope this helps you to find peace with sugar. I don't mean to make it sound easy because it isn't and I'd be doing you a disservice to pretend it wasn't a struggle. I do want you to know that the struggle gets easier.

Good luck

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:54 am
by osoniye
gingerpie wrote:I know that if my kids, for example, fail at something I'd never say "Well, you'd better just give up then. You'll never get it right." Of course we'd never say that. We'd say, "Well, you'd better get busy figuring out what went wrong so you can succeed next time." I know this is a really had step for a lot of folks. To turn that level of support into ourselves.
gingerpie- Thanks for sharing your good insights here!

The weekend went well, without any real temptation, so there wasn't anything to "resist". I don't have any sweets in the house, and the people I spent the weekend with either were sensitive, or for whatever reason didn't offer me anything with sugar in it.
I do feel so much better without the sugar. If only I would go the next step and give up caffiene! (I don't drink regular coffee on the weekends and do sometimes during the week. Last week I was drinking quite a lot of coffee, working at the office, and Saturday I had some brain fog and woke up with a headache on Sunday. But that's another topic for another thread!)
The avoidance of sugar kind of highlights how much I overate other things, though. I don't know why it makes me notice that more, but it does. I had too much of a pasta dish on Saturday night, and too large bowls of popcorn both S days (think large mixing bowls). I guess I'm OK with some short term compensaition for getting off sugar, but I think I'd like to rein that in next weekend.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:42 am
by freegirl
I am changing focus from what I shouldn't eat to what I SHOULD eat to nourish my body. I won't be posting here any more.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 10:38 am
by gingerpie
freegirl I think that is an an excellent plan: Switch focus from the negative to the positive.

As always, I'm thinking of you and hoping all goes well for you.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:35 am
by osoniye
Hi freegirl! Sorry to see you go, but I hope the positive point of view toward eating will work out very well for you. Best of luck!

I guess I'll stick around here for my 3 months.
This weekend went well. I really didn't have any temptations, regarding the sugar, as there are no longer sweets in the house. I didn't do much socially, so no temptation there! Last week there were a few very small blips (sweetened coffee creamer, few squares chocolate from a coworker) but mostly really fine.

How is it going for others- moderatemeals, mustloseweight, Misha, thesmartestkid? I hope you are all doing well!

Gingerpie, I assume you're stil going great. Hope you'll still pop in and encourage us sometimes!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:13 am
by gingerpie
Sonya, I'll stick around to keep you company. :) you're doing great. Are you surprised by how quickly you lost the taste for sugary treats? I was. I was also surprised by how loooonge it took to lose the mental craving for sugar. I still sometimes think I "should" have a piece is cake or cookie or "boy, that looks good". It makes me think there may be some truth to the idea that processed sugars are addictive.

Good luck this week.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:57 pm
by osoniye
Yeah, gingerpie, I know what you mean. I keep looking longingly toward a footlocker I used to keep sweets in, and wondering what's in there... right now "nothing", but some spare batteries and an old swimsuit! But the habit and the thinking about sweets lasts even though sweet things are tasting too sweet to me lately when I stumble onto them.

The only screw-up this week was a pancake breakfast. I used a good recipe that has no sugar in the batter. So far, so good. But then I decided to put a few squirts of agave on my pancakes. It tasted sweet, but doesn't have sugar in it technically, I guess. It's more of a sugar substitute. But I'm trying to figure out if it's more of a substitute like honey (not acceptable to me) or stevia or something like that. I've read different (yea, conflicting) things about agave and how it's good or not for diabetics. There seems to be a lot of controversy, but it did make me feel groggy, as if I'd eaten too much sugar, so I guess I need to rethink using it.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:56 am
by gingerpie
It's probably best to follow your body's lead. If it makes you feel cruddy, it's best not to eat it. I bought a bottle once and liked the taste well enough but I decided it is one of those products designed to make us think we're making a better choice but in reality is just as bad.

Sounds like your doing great. Are you allowing special treats on birthdays and holidays and such?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:50 am
by eschano
Hi Sonya,
I'm with gingerpie in that it is designed to make you believe it's not sugar when really it's just not bleached sugar from sugarcanes.

I can't imagine living without sugar so I completely understand you need some alternatives but honey has at least some proven health benefits. I personally like xylitol. It's still sugar but you need a lot less of it. However, anything really other than a piece of fruit is quite refined. Mon-Fri I have no syrup, honey, sugar variety, not even xylitol but on weekends all bets are off for me. I do allow unprocessed fruits Mon-Fri.

I hope you find something! Just decide what you can live with and what not and then stick to it, whether or not it is sugar. In the end this is a long term gig :)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:38 am
by osoniye
gingerpie wrote:Sounds like your doing great. Are you allowing special treats on birthdays and holidays and such?
Hi gingerpie- Yeah, funny you should ask. I wanted to do the 3 months completely sugar free (most of my holidays things are between Nov and Jan anyway). But then I was unexpectedly with a good friend on her birthday, so took a NWS event on Tuesday evening for some pizza and small cheese cake bites/pudding things. It was good/enjoyable, but really set off a craving for sweet things, which has lasted for days, that was a bit unexpected. So, I'm wondering if I'm just one of those people who needs to abstain from added sugar all the time.
Yeah, eschano, I think agave is a scam in a way. It is made from something other than cane/beet sugar, but in the end, I don't think there is any great advantage to it. I don't know where to buy xylitol... maybe I can try a specialty supermarket. I have some stevia, which I sometimes use in hazelnut coffee and it's sort of good, but has a distinctive flavor that I'm not sure I'm crazy about in plain coffee.
A friend went out of her way to provide a savory snack on Saturday evening, which was really thoughtful of her... that will keep me on the straight and narrow at a potluck on Thursday (a national holiday here), because that friend will be there, and I'd feel bad if I let her go out of her way for me, and then throw caution to the wind as far as sugar on a non-food related holiday. Sometimes peer pressure is a good thing!
Wishing everyone a sugar free week who wants one!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:46 pm
by osoniye
I dodged a few bullets this week at a couple of events, where I knew I would be exposed to sweets, but by pre-planning, was able get a savory plate of food and stop there.
I am frequently able to compare how I used to feel a little while after a huge sugary snack vs how I feel now, when I'm avoiding sugar, and the difference is huge!
I think I'll switch over to just my check-in thread at this point, as I continue this 3 months of No Added Sugar, since the others who were struggling with this in the first place seem to have all dropped out of this thread.
(Gingerpie, I look forward to seeing you around the check-in threads. Thanks for your support!)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:10 am
by gingerpie
You're doing great. Preplanning is really the key to social events. It is also helpful to have default avoidance plans for when you are unexpectedly faced with a decision. Mine is always to get a non-sugary drink in place of the sweets being offered. If there are non available ( it happens occasionally) then it gets a lot tougher! :evil:

good luck this week

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:07 am
by osoniye
I'm reactivating this thread because I need some accountability and perhaps if anyone is giving any, some support. I didn't do too badly while traveling recently, about generally avoiding sugar, and when I did indulge, it was OK, as I knew there would be social occasions where I didn't want to "miss out" on the main fun food on offer, and had allowed for that.
But now that I am back in my usual environment, I wanted to go No Added Sugar again for 4 months (until December 19- allowing for some Christmas treats). This has not gone so well, mainly because people here have forgotten my resolve, or I am around different people who are making sweet things with me in mind. I need to start practicing just saying "No thank you" and know that someone else in the family will probably be happy to eat whatever sweet thing I turn down and that it is not unforgivable to refrain from eating something that is offered at someone else's house. It feels like it is, but it isn't.
Since I haven't purchased any packaged sweets in the past 6 months or so, I have very nearly stopped surprising myself when something sweet surfaces unexpectedly from a box or closet. That is a bit of a relief!
So, I have a social event at lunch time today, and I resolve to eat a full plate of non-sweet food. It's an S day, so if I feel I must have seconds, I will, but really that is probably unnecessary if I take my time and enjoy my first plate of food.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:25 am
by gingerpie
No added sugar is definitely a learning process. I had a piece of chocolate just yesterday and I've been off sugar for years now. (I do eat any naturally occurring sweet food . . . Fruit, dairy etc. Just not man-made sweets)
I think the key to managing being around others is to adopt a policy of low-key obstinance. They offer, I say, "No thanks". They insist, I say "No, but thank you soooo much." They usually say something like, "Are you sure?" and offer one more time and I say "Yes, I'm sure" one more time. (With a big smile). Then the next time the situation arises the conversation is a lot shorter because they already know I'll stick to my first decision. Unless I already know they would be a good source of support, I don't try to offer explanations or enlist their help. Very rarely has it happened that someone has made something specifically for me. The one or two times it happened I just ate it and accepted that life is not perfect. I suppose if it was a situation I expected to be in regularly (a regular visit to Grandma for example) I would have to decide what I thought was more important: Grandma's feelings or sticking to my plan. But, as I said, that has never actually happened to me.

Your friends probably just forgot you don't want to eat sugar. A time or two of polite refusals will definitely remind them. :)

Good luck

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:14 am
by osoniye
Hi gingerpie,
Thanks for checking in with the quiet voice of reason.
I like your idea of low-key obstinance. That sounds reasonable to me. I think I need to practice it more.
Things have gone well lately, as I haven't had much food related social interaction. I was really proud of myself on Saturday for taking one plate of food at a pot luck and then having some popcorn and fruit from the dessert table at the appropriate time. That felt like a nice S day treat and that I was eating appropriately to the situation and to my needs. Of course, there was no one to offend, as usually no one is after me to try their special thing, and it all gets polished off by somebody anyway.
Saturday will be a "capitol S day" at a friend's house, one of I guess 6-7 per year. I think it's important to have a few days that are no holds barred. Just not too many of them!