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very frustrated

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:12 pm
by lilguysmama
Alright I have been struggling for a very long time with my weight. And not able to stick with anything. Right now I have been with WW since October but have a really hard time following it (can't stick with it).. I have been really frustrated about this that is consumes me. I have been doing a lot of searching online and come up with a couple reason why I can't stay on plan.
1. I am either a binge eater or compulsive overeater
2. I'm addicted to pop/soda I do try to drink diet most of the time cause on WW its 0 pts.
3. I think about food all the time and what I want to eat next.

I did read somewhere that people that have this kind of issue of being a overeater should have a set schedule of eating and even not eat between meals.
Would like if I could do that but I do have low blood sugar and not sure how that would work for me.

I have tried this before but not able to do it longer then a week. My mind keeps coming back to this cause you don't need to count anything just how many times you eat.

Re: very frustrated

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:42 am
by ironchef
I can't stay on plan.
I would try reframing these as possible reasons that you don't stay on plan, rather than can't. Also, perhaps WW just isn't the right plan for you - there is no one size fits all.
Would like if I could do that but I do have low blood sugar and not sure how that would work for me.
Can you elaborate? What is your doctor's advice on managing your blood sugar issues? No-S is pretty flexible - for example it doesn't prevent you planning 4 smaller meals, rather than 3 larger ones, if that's what your doctor recommends.

I've read at least one testimonial on here from a diabetic, so I think you could perhaps talk to your doctor and adapt No-S to suit your health needs.
I have tried this before but not able to do it longer then a week.
When you say you're not able to go longer than a week, do you mean you had one fail / red day after a week? Because I've been doing this almost 2 years and still get months with a red day each week.

Re: very frustrated

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:53 pm
by leafy_greens
lilguysmama wrote: 3. I think about food all the time and what I want to eat next.
There's nothing wrong with thinking about what you want to eat next, as long as you don't eat food every time you think about it.

No S requires more thinking and planning in order to fit full square meals into three daily eating opportunities.

If you find yourself daydreaming about food, write it on your shopping list or potential menu list, and eat it later.

Re: very frustrated

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:59 pm
by BrightAngel
leafy_greens wrote: There's nothing wrong with thinking about what you want to eat next,
as long as you don't eat food every time you think about it.
Good Advice. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:44 am
by Lyra
Hi Lilguysmama,

I'm new to No S too and also have low blood sugar. Until two weeks ago, I never went more than three hours without eating, on doctor's advice. So it was a huge surprise to me that I am able to go 5-6 hours without eating!

When I started, I promised myself that if I got a sugar low I would eat, and I came up with two things that I could have, if needed, between meals: apple with peanut butter or yogurt with half a piece of fruit. No guilt, but only if I'm crashing and not just hungry. So far I've only needed to a couple of times and once was because I had white bread with lunch. What I've learned is that No S really is possible if you make sure that every meal is a "slow burning" one.