I'm an idiot.

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I'm an idiot.

Post by TunaFishKid » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:20 pm

My last post here was about seven weeks ago. I was loving NoS and doing great. Then one morning I realized my knees were hurting me a lot and I decided that low carb (which I had been doing for months) really was better for me, since I had no knee pain before NoS.

Duh. Besides NoS I was also Urban Rangering every day. I'm 52 years old and I went from no exercise at all to walking 45 minutes to an hour every day. Of course my knees were hurting! Unfortunately, I didn't realize that at the time.

I went back to lowcarb and continued losing weight but have been absolutely miserable. My God, I'm sick of meat. On NoS I looked forward to meals and really enjoyed eating. I stupidly traded that for feeling queasy at the thought of eating and dreading social occasions, and I lost that lovely sense of calm and relaxation I had before. I even went to a backyard party with friends and ate nothing but a plain hamburger patty and a green salad, while everyone else enjoyed pasta salads and birthday cake. What a miserable afternoon that was.

SO...to make a long story short (too late, lol) I finally realized that my knee problem might very well have been too much walking too soon (and not gluten intolerance, which I suspected and which is so much in vogue right now) and that I could not face a lifetime of nothing but meat, cheese and green vegetables.

I was unsure about posting again but was inspired by LA Loser's Independence Day post. I'm declaring my independence from diets.....again. (Insert sheepish grin emoticon here.)

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Post by Kathleen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:26 pm

It's never too late. Once you experience the sanity of this type of eating, it is difficult to stick with the insanity of low carb or calorie counting. I just resolved not to return to calorie counting, so I understand!

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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:36 pm

The important thing here is that you made the realization and you're back! Now you will be smarter about your exercise and you'll be HAPPY with your eating. How great is that?!

Welcome back Tuna! Missed you!

Mimi :D
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
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Re: I'm an idiot.

Post by winnie96 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:03 pm

TunaFishKid wrote:...I went from no exercise at all to walking 45 minutes to an hour every day. Of course my knees were hurting!

On NoS I looked forward to meals and really enjoyed eating ... [on low card] I lost that lovely sense of calm and relaxation I had before [with No-S].

I was unsure about posting again but was inspired by LA Loser's Independence Day post. I'm declaring my independence from diets.....again. (Insert sheepish grin emoticon here.)
Yay, Tuna! Welcome back! If it's any help:

I, too, went from 0-60 when I first started walking, and oh, the knees! Of course, as I got in better shape, the pain went away. In theory, when starting out, it might be better to break the walk into several smaller time chunks instead of doing it in one session, but it takes a bit to get me motivated to get out there, and that would be tough to do several times a day. I also found that having the right liner in my running shoes makes a difference in how my knees feel (apparently, I'm an over-pronator). Custom orthotics can be quite pricey, but I've had good success with some of the OTC versions in the $25-$50 range -- well worth it! (The design of the shoes themselves are also a factor, of course).

I also went back to a "diet" for a week or so as I was losing weight so excruciatingly slowly. Like you, I re-experienced the dread of meals and social occasions, and the loss of that peaceful feeling about food that No-S brings. So I chucked the focus on faster weight loss, hopped right back on the No-S track, and am again looking forward to meals and get-togethers with friends. And the peace of mind is back! If anyone feels that their No-S commitment is wavering, I suggest reverting to a "diet" for a week. When you return to No-S, you'll be even more appreciative of all its benefits.

Lastly, you may be entitled to the sheepish grin, but I hope you never feel unsure about posting on these boards. I've been on some boards that are downright energy-sapping and contentious, but I've found the No-S boards to be uplifting and supportive. I post not only because writing it down helps me to clarify my thoughts, but also because I hope that something I say might help someone else, like LA's post did for you. You never know: sometimes an offhand remark buried in the middle of a post is just the thing you need to hear.

Anyway, glad you're back and glad you posted -- and you've helped me by jogging my memory about my miserable foray back into the "diet" world and how wonderful it was to get back to No-S -- now I'm starting out my week on quite the positive note! Thanks! Winnie

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Post by wosnes » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:04 pm

For me, it's my hips that hurt.
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Post by spleener » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:08 pm

Hey, it's awesome that you realized what the problem was, and that you came to the BB for support! I think that's spectacular. You can feel really good about this.

I've done the low carb thing on and off for years, and I've had the same issue with it; after a while you don't want to look at another piece of meat, cheese, etc., and you'd gladly kill for a plate of pasta or even a piece of fruit. I completely empathize with the discomfort and social awkwardness of trying to find something Atkins-friendly at a party (not to mention, as you said, the abject misery involved in trying to find something you're actually allowed to eat). I've only been doing this for a week (this is day 7 for me), but I'm already amazed at how easy, intuitive and non-crazy noessing is.

So, congratulations on your comeback! Sounds like you've got a good chance up picking up the rhythm you had already established and getting right back into those good habits.

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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:15 pm

I'm glad you're back! It's funny how we say "Duh!" when we realize that no S is the way to go... again. :wink: I does make so much sense!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Welcome back!

Post by la_loser » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:19 pm

Welcome back Tuna,

I'm glad to hear that my Independence post struck a chord with you. It's funny how one little thing can give us those "aha" moments that we need to jolt us back into reality!

Good luck.
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:39 pm

Welcome back.

Been there, done that - got the tshirt but it doesn't fit.

I think it shrunk,


The beauty of this plan (I have lost 16 pounds in two months) is that it is NORMAL. If a picnic was an S day (which most are, either a weekend or a holiday) one could eat whatever they wanted without the

carbs? calories? points? dilemma

And, the best news, even on a non S day, one could eat a plateful of food and no one would say - WHAT, are you on a diet?

It's good to have you home.

SR :wink:

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Post by TunaFishKid » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:47 pm

Wow, thank you so much for all the kind, supportive responses! This really is a great forum.

Even though I went back to low carb because of my knee pain, I think dieting held a certain allure for me. Popular diets are like high heels, while No S is like sensible shoes. The high heels look great and promise excitement, but you never get very far in them. Sensible shoes, however, are sturdy, basic, and will get you where you want to go in comfort. I feel like I just took off my painful high heels and got back into my comfy, dull shoes. I have a better chance of getting where I want to go, but without the flash. :)

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Post by winnie96 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:58 pm

TunaFishKid wrote:I think dieting held a certain allure for me. Popular diets are like high heels, while No S is like sensible shoes. The high heels look great and promise excitement, but you never get very far in them. Sensible shoes, however, are sturdy, basic, and will get you where you want to go in comfort.
Wow! What a great analogy! Definitely rates a sticky note on my refrigerator!

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Post by Thalia » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:15 pm

I totally relate to that! Diets ARE sexy -- the idea of total, fast self-transformation, and they're also this huge project that you can sink tons of energy into and obsess about. I loved starting a diet (and I started many in my day) -- I was going to work it so hard and look so great! Everyone cheerleads a dieter, especially if the diet is difficult and time-consuming and shows fast results.

Sadly, MAINTAINING is not sexy or exciting or a cool new project, and after the diet petered out the weight came back with interest.

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Post by TunaFishKid » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:07 pm

Thalia wrote:Everyone cheerleads a dieter, especially if the diet is difficult and time-consuming and shows fast results.
You're right. Your post got me thinking. At the risk of stretching the analogy too far - we often get compliments on sexy high heels, but never on our sensible shoes. We are sometimes even criticized for them (Why are you wearing those?).

xJocelynx87 started a thread on this very topic. A relative commented on the fact that she was eating dessert. Reinhard talks about this in his book. On page 74, he says,
With the No S Diet, there's no show. It's the opposite. Your excess is all out in the open. Instead of pretending to be virtuous in public and gorging in secret, you emphasize your vice (drawing attention to it with embarrassingly big plates, openly enjoying sweets on S days) and use shame to keep yourself in line. Honesty, shame, virtue: old-fashioned stuff, like being thin.

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Post by TunaFishKid » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:09 pm

winnie96 wrote:
TunaFishKid wrote:I think dieting held a certain allure for me. Popular diets are like high heels, while No S is like sensible shoes. The high heels look great and promise excitement, but you never get very far in them. Sensible shoes, however, are sturdy, basic, and will get you where you want to go in comfort.
Wow! What a great analogy! Definitely rates a sticky note on my refrigerator!
Thanks! :D I may do the same with the fridge...maybe a picture of sensible shoes vs. stilleto heels, lol.

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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:08 pm

What's up Tuna .... Hey, Big Tuna !!

Seems like I already said that .... the other day ! ;-)

Yep. injuries ... they do occur ... you have to be careful, warm up before doing your exercices, then stretching once you are done. This prevents getting sore muscles.

If the Training is very intense it's better to start with only a few minutes and then build from there, adding a few minutes over some time ... or else, sore muscles ! (My legs were like chocolate pudding for 2 days last week when I made the mistake of running intervals for 45 minutes straight, on the first run.)

I usually cycle, no problem there, but running is tougher, high impact, so that's what I SHOULD have done, really, starting with only a few minutes at first !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:33 pm

Great thought! I've always hated high heals, you can't go fast in those either. Hey Marc... now we need a picture of sensible shoes! :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by kccc » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:23 pm

TunaFishKid wrote:Wow, thank you so much for all the kind, supportive responses! This really is a great forum.
Fess up, you just missed us. :)

Which is all right, because we missed you too. Welcome back.

Love the "high heels vs. sensible shoes" analogy. When I was doing my Ph.D, I heard an NPR show where they were discussing shoes, and the guest expert made the comment that "the more education and power a woman has, the lower her heels are." I swore at that moment that once I finished my degree, I would NEVER wear high heels again. (I have broken vow that for very formal occasions, but rarely.)

Maybe the more we know and the more power we have over our habits, the more confident we are in our "sensible No-S" approach.

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Re: I'm an idiot.

Post by Over43 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:31 pm

TunaFishKid wrote:
My God, I'm sick of meat. On NoS I looked forward to meals and really enjoyed eating.
(Insert sheepish grin emoticon here.)
I have grown up with ranchers, and cattlemen/women, and I've been there. But only while low carbing.

Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain
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Post by bonnieUK » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:25 am

I'm amazed anyone can stick to a low carb diet at all.

I've had the odd low carb experiment (usually when DH has tried it - we're both veggies so you can imagine how interesting that can be LOL)

I've since found what seems to be a good ratio of carbs to protein for me, which is something like 2/3 a cup of rice or 2 small slices bread with a meal of veggies & protein (e.g. a block of tofu the size of my palm) seems about right. If I go over this amount too often, I feel bloated and tired, if I go under this amount I find that I can suddenly crash and run out of energy, an annoying thing to happen while urban rangering :D

That said I have no plans to say no to an occasional pasta meal, glass of wine or piece of S day cake!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:39 pm

Tuna, whatever you may have been, you certainly don't sound like an idiot now.

In fact this sounds positively inspired: "Popular diets are like high heels, while No S is like sensible shoes...."

Moderation is hard, isn't it? Not painful hard, on the contrary, it's a joy. But hard in terms of restraining your enthusiasm for rapid change. But the good news is that it gets easier as your train yourself. I know I might seem now like this zen master of moderation, but if so, that's BECAUSE of no-s and the other everyday systems. It was emphatically not the case pre-nos. I came up with these systems because I desperately NEEDED them!

So scale up the urban ranger very slowly, realize that this is probably going to take many months to show meaningful results, and enjoy the process.


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Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:51 pm

Moderation is more difficult as a concept especially when we have been told for years "you can eat all you want as long you don't eat the evil food group." To me moderation implies you are making choices and being mindful about what you eating without counting every little morsel.

Tuna - maybe it takes a while to sink in but it sounds like you are back on track. I'd say the reason we are all here is because we want something we can live with for the long haul. So there are going to be setbacks but the basic idea is great. Comfortable sensible shoes that you can wear everyday and save the high heels for the night out.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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