Artificial sweeteners

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Artificial sweeteners

Post by bluebunny27 » Thu May 07, 2009 4:44 am

Artifical sweeteners, are they good ?? are they bad ??
Any comments and opinions ?? Sweet N' Low, Sugar Twin, Splenda ... all of those brands. (I mostly
buy Sugar Twin personally)

That's one thing I was researching the other day ... I want to switch to natural sugar (in my coffee, the only place where I use real sugar right now, 15 calories,
lol !)

I put one tea spoon in there and stir it up ... it doesn't taste really sweet at all, I guess I am too used to my artifical sweetener. I've been having those with my coffee for a long time. Now I read they may not be too good for your health after all ... ;-( But they must have been approved to get on the grocery stores' shelves, right ???

Alternatives .. for the coffee ??? I wouldn't want to add a 2nd tea spoon of sugar in my coffee if possible. I know you can use honey instead of sugar not sure if that would be SWEET enough though ...

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Post by wosnes » Thu May 07, 2009 11:08 am

You'll get mixed opinions here. I'm not in favor of artificial anything, but particularly sweeteners. Here's my problem with chemicals that have been approved by the FDA for us to consume: individually each one might be all right for human consumption, but in combination with all the other chemical additives that are used in or on our food and in our environment, who knows?

How much coffee do you drink daily? If it's only a cup or two, I'd just add the extra sugar or honey and not worry about it. You might also try stevia, which is also a natural product and supposedly sweeter than sugar.
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Post by dockanz » Thu May 07, 2009 11:17 am

I also don't use artificial sweetener, because it gives me headaches. I avoid it altogether. Also, Stevia is held up as virtuous by some because it is "natural" but so is arsenic. Just because something comes from a tree doesn't mean it is good for you.
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Post by Pewari » Thu May 07, 2009 12:04 pm

I'd add the second sugar, then gradually reduce it over a period of time if it bothers you.

I currently drink 3 (yes THREE :oops: ) sugars in my tea (no milk, as if that excuses it). I don't drink masses amount of tea and I still remind myself that it's better than drinking cans of coke or something. It does get embarrassing when I visit friends houses though.

I've tried cutting back before, but then ended up hating drinking tea which sort of defeated the point.

What I'm trying at the moment though, is that this month I've cut back by half a teaspoon to 2.5 tsps per cup. I know it's a minute difference, but I don't notice the difference too badly with only half a teaspoon less. It's still drinkable and nice (just not *quite* as nice). I'm hoping to train out my sweet tooth and next month only have TWO teaspoons and so on, dropping half a spoon at a time, but not worrying too much if I only get it to a more socially acceptable 1 or 2 tsps of sugar in my tea!

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Post by BrightAngel » Thu May 07, 2009 1:13 pm

I consider my liberal use of artificial sweeteners (primarily Splenda)
one of the Foundations of my large weight-loss
and successful 3 1/2 years of maintenance.

Personally, I consider Splenda a gift from God, the saying against gun control goes...
they would have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.
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Post by kccc » Thu May 07, 2009 1:21 pm

As Wosnes said, you'll get a variety of opinions on sweeteners. I'm in the "avoid" camp... but I think I met my lifetime quota in prior years.

I switched from sweetener to sugar in my coffee some time back. One of the things that helped was to stir it a LOT. It doesn't dissolve as well, so the top part of the cup tastes less sweet than the bottom. You might also increase the amount of milk (if you use it) a bit while you're transitioning - takes off some of the bitter. (A tiny bit of vanilla in the pot will do the same.)

I did eventually adjust, and now use only one tsp in my coffee. So if it's really a goal for you, you can take it from me that it is do-able. :)

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Post by mimi » Thu May 07, 2009 1:26 pm

I like my Splenda too, BrightAngel! But, like everything else, in moderation.
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu May 07, 2009 3:30 pm

I just use real sugar in my coffee - the few calories aren't a problem.

Have used the lowcal flavored creamers as well, then I don't need sugar.

I wouldn't worry about it, enjoy your coffee.


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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 07, 2009 5:26 pm

Asparetame (spelling?) gives me migranes, literelly. We're talkin' blurred vision, hide in a dark quiet room and vomit type of migrane. I really have to wonder if it's not bad for everyone to some degree. I don't let my kids have it. Sweet n' low gives me an after-taste. I use a generic form of splenda. No migranes and it tastes the best I think. The only way I can get my water in to keep down retention is to fill a 4 cup waterbottle with a bit of lemon juice and a bit of sweetener. Not much, mostly for a chlorine cover-up. It's a lemon-water and I love it and drink it all day. I refill 1 time usually in the day. I do wonder if it's healthy for me to have sweeteners, but I figure I am flushing out a lot more bad stuff with all of the water I drink. :wink:

Reinhard avoids fake sugars... page 71 in the book. :cry:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu May 07, 2009 7:27 pm

Nice to have so many different opinions ... I guess I shouldn't feel too guilty about adding one more teaspoon of sugar in my coffee ... if it's not sweet enough with just one ! I'll stir a lot, good idea. :-)

I usually put half 2% milk and half 'Coffee mate' in the cup. (A lil' bit of both) I know, I know ... 'Coffee mate' is not so good for me either ... but I'm hooked ! I only have a teaspoon in there, usually the regular one, not the flavored kinds.

I normally have 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day. Morning, (around 10am), afternoon (around 3pm) and early evening (Around 7:30pm) Some days I don't have the afternoon coffee.

I was buying 'Sugar Twin' for quite a few years now, but since I started this diet and exercise program, I am checking out everything, banning or cutting down on some things, sugar, salt, etc. ...

Researching this online it seems artifical sweeteners may not be too good for your health after all ...

There are a lot of different opinions of course ....

I was just watching a documentary on RED BULL the other day. The energy drink, and the company that makes it wasn't admitting it was dangerous either despite some serious evidence it could cause heart problems ... especially in higher doses or if mixed with other drinks. People often have Red Bull / Vodka for example.) Plenty of caffeine and other things you may not want in your body in there : Taurine & whatnot.

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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 07, 2009 7:33 pm

What happened to water? Good old plain water? I guess I grew up on well water and it was awesome. Now it's chlorinated and I have to chill it and usually flavor it. :?
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu May 07, 2009 7:42 pm

We are very blessed to have good, pure, cold, clean well water.

I couldn't afford to drink a gallon a day of bottled water, that is for sure.

Drinking a giant glass right now.


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Post by janmarie » Fri May 08, 2009 2:20 am

i know i keep harping about stevia but i really like's 100% natural (initially could only be bought in whole foods) it's 0 calories, some studies show it's good for insulin sensitivity, metabolic syndrome and hypertension.

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Post by davestarbuck » Fri May 08, 2009 2:30 am

I use Splenda because it's the closest to sugar. It's an isomer of sucrose, which means it's a mirror image molecule. Thus it triggers our taste buds, but it won't fit in the enzymes that transport sucrose into the blood stream. We don't absorb it, and it has no caloric impact nor causes any insulin response.

The other artificial sweeteners are fine as well and won't cause harm when used in moderation.

Moderation means different things to different people though :D . For me it means 1 packet of Splenda in my coffee every so often, and I drink maybe 2-3 diet sodas a week max.

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Post by bluebunny27 » Fri May 08, 2009 3:58 am

Good work with your weight loss, Dave. Impressive results are always inspiring ! I never used that brand you mention, I'll investigate, thanks for the tip. Yeah, I read that you can't really have problems with artificial sweeteners unless you take really large doses of course ... well, apparently it's rather safe. ;-)

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Post by apomerantz » Fri May 08, 2009 10:54 am

I'm like artificial sweetners and probably drink 1 diet drink per day with aspartame and one coffee per day with either aspartame or splenda.

My favorite from a taste perspective is Equal (aspartame) by a long shot, but I do like cooking with Splenda from time to time.

I'm married to a doctor - - and he does not believe there is much evidence of health risk from these products. My kids drink a lot of diet drinks, and I'm not concerned about it. I am willing to say that we could be wrong, but scientific evidence does not show these substances to be problematic except in HUGE quantities. Obesity is much, much more of a health risk . . .so if artificial sugars help keep that at bay, I'm all for 'em.

That being said, if you are just talking about 30 calories in one cup of coffee, I think that's really nothing in the scheme of the exercise you are doing. For me, eliminating artificial sugars would mean eliminating diet drinks entirely, and I just don't want to do that.

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Post by dockanz » Fri May 08, 2009 11:04 am

apomerantz wrote: I'm married to a doctor - - and he does not believe there is much evidence of health risk from these products. My kids drink a lot of diet drinks, and I'm not concerned about it. I am willing to say that we could be wrong, but scientific evidence does not show these substances to be problematic except in HUGE quantities. Obesity is much, much more of a health risk . . .so if artificial sugars help keep that at bay, I'm all for 'em.
I am a doctor and I am not too concerned about them from a health perspective, per se. However, there is some newer research that people who use artificial sweeteners come to *expect* a certain calorie load and will find it in the form of other foods. Calorie free, then, is not truly calorie free.
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Post by reinhard » Fri May 08, 2009 7:59 pm

This can be a very touchy subject...

Some people feel they need the stuff, other's think it's poison.

I'm sort of in between. I don't like it, and I'm suspicious of it. But I don't think there's any clear evidence (yet?) that it's bad for you (no need to post all the pro and contra links again, please!).

On an obvious, surface level, tasting sweet all the time is probably not a good way to wean yourself off the habit. I haven't seen the research that dockanz mentions, but it's unsurprising.

So if you're on the fence, I'd say skip it. Enjoy real sweets on S-days instead of trying to fake your body out with substitutes. Preventing self-deception is a pretty core No-s principle, and when you eat this stuff essentially what you're doing is trying to deceive your body.

That being said, if you like the stuff, and you feel it's helpful in managing excess, that's officially OK too, No-s wise. If you use them in moderation (as it sounds like most of the pro-artificial sweeter posters here do), and not like some kind of sugar methadone, I don't think there's a problem at all.


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Post by Thalia » Fri May 08, 2009 8:45 pm

I don't particularly like the sweetness, but I LOVE carbonation. And my work provides free soda, but not free Perrier or Champagne (damn them), so I end up drinking a lot of diet Coke.

I really wish that soda water was as cheap and widely vended as soda.

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Post by wosnes » Fri May 08, 2009 9:20 pm

Thalia wrote:I don't particularly like the sweetness, but I LOVE carbonation. And my work provides free soda, but not free Perrier or Champagne (damn them), so I end up drinking a lot of diet Coke.

I really wish that soda water was as cheap and widely vended as soda.
My daughter and I love the carbonation, too.
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Post by apomerantz » Fri May 08, 2009 9:29 pm

My issue is actually that I like the caffeine in a diet Coke or diet Peach Snapple (at least in the warmer weather when coffee is less appealing).

So, I could drink full sugar versions of these, but I can't see much reason to do it . . .extra calories and all. Plus, I do find that real sugar makes me crave more sugar, and I personally don't experience that effect with aspartame or splenda. Not disputing that others might . . .but it doesn't have the same effect for me.

I'm curious about the research dockanz refers to. I've read about this a few times myself. The thing I wonder is if this "effect" is any different than ANY calorie cutting measure. In other words, if you cut calories using sugar substitutes, perhaps your body intakes those calories elsewhere if left to it's natural devices. But if you cut calories by say, cutting fat, I just have to wonder if the body doesn't try the same thing?? Not sure if that has been studied in the same fashion . . .

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Post by harpista » Mon May 18, 2009 4:47 am

~reneew wrote: The only way I can get my water in to keep down retention is to fill a 4 cup waterbottle with a bit of lemon juice and a bit of sweetener. Not much, mostly for a chlorine cover-up.
Brita filters will get rid of chlorine taste and other nasty flavours (and are greener than using bottled water, if you care).

But I am told, it also works to leave the water in a jug in your fridge for 24 hours. It apparently "evaporates" out of the water. Disturbing. Someone I know who keeps fish told me this, although they have since switched to using a neutralizing product for all the other crap that's apparently in tap water that kills fish.
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Post by Pewari » Mon May 18, 2009 7:22 am

harpista wrote:But I am told, it also works to leave the water in a jug in your fridge for 24 hours. It apparently "evaporates" out of the water. Disturbing. Someone I know who keeps fish told me this, although they have since switched to using a neutralizing product for all the other crap that's apparently in tap water that kills fish.
That used to be true until water companies (at least in the UK, not sure about the US - I assume it's the same) started using chloramines rather than chlorine in the tap water - it's more stable and doesn't evaporate away.

Fish keepers here need to make sure that they use a dechlorinator which removes chloramines safely as well as chlorine as leaving the water to stay for 24hrs won't work anymore (can you tell I keep tropical fish? :lol:)

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Post by vmelo » Mon May 18, 2009 11:28 am

I'm in the "avoid" camp. It's probably nonsensical, but I just picture some Dr. Hyde in a lab concocting this stuff. Also, though, I just don't like the taste of nearly all artificial sweeteners.

HOWEVER, I found something called Z-sweet at my local health food store, and it's tastes like real sugar to me. You just have to use more of it than real sugar (which is different from other artificial sweeteners), but it has no calories. I only use it on rare occasions when I want to have some real hot cocoa and don't want to spare the calories for real sugar, or I'll use it if I'm having tea. This only happens about 5 times a year max.

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Post by wosnes » Mon May 18, 2009 11:49 am

My grandmother or great-grandmother wouldn't recognize artificial sweeteners as "food" -- another reason not to use them.

I've been wondering lately...why don't more food companies make reduced sugar versions of things like they have reduced salt and reduced fat? In most things the amount of sugar can be reduced without having to add anything else -- the products are just a little less "sweet."
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Post by harpista » Wed May 20, 2009 3:48 am

Pewari wrote:That used to be true until water companies (at least in the UK, not sure about the US - I assume it's the same) started using chloramines rather than chlorine in the tap water - it's more stable and doesn't evaporate away.

Fish keepers here need to make sure that they use a dechlorinator which removes chloramines safely as well as chlorine as leaving the water to stay for 24hrs won't work anymore (can you tell I keep tropical fish? :lol:)
In Canada, where I am, this still works last I checked, but I've used a Brita for several years now... Covers more bases.

It's the best I can do to say I will refrain from 'fishy' humour :twisted:
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