2 weeks and 4 pounds!

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2 weeks and 4 pounds!

Post by totljenn » Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:18 pm

Holy crap I have lost four pounds and I didn't even have to quit drinking! Seriously though I haven't been able to loose weight since I gave up alcohol many years ago and then took it back a couple years later and then gained 30 pounds in the process. Yikes! Now I try to adhere to the Glass Ceiling approach but limit myself to 2-4 glasses of wine rather than just drinking until I feel like stopping. Oh a slight caveat, I switched to dry white wine, Barefoot's Pinot Grigio, and gave up my old friend Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Dry white wine, vodka, or light light beer are low calorie (less than 150) and will still get the job done. Especially vodka which is why I stay far far away from that evil temptress...

How did I loose my four pounds is probably what you're interested in, not my inner monologue about my drinking issues, or maybe you are interested but that is a blog for another time. Back to my weight loss! I have been following the No-S-Diet but with a few exceptions. I am not a breakfast person, not because I'm one of those coffee drinking "I don't need sustenance to survive" type of folk, but because my tummy just can't handle more than a small bowl of oatmeal or a protein shake in the morning. So I have my little breakfast and then a couple of hours later I will have either a big meal or just keep eating fruit and protein until lunch time. That solved my breakfast dilemma. Oh also, green tea is a great appetite suppressant and not in the weird Xenadrine way (oh no flash back to high school), but in the antioxidant awesome old Chinese wisdom pick-me-up kind of way. I will drink green tea in between meals sometimes if I'm hungry and I just ate and I know my mind is just being it's compulsive addictive self again by trying to get me to have that second helping. Yeesh!

I love the No-S-Diet but loosing like a pound a month just ain't gonna cut it for this gal. So I ratcheted it up a few notches. Less carbs, more protein. Be active and eat less. Those have been my two parameters for my dieting adventure. I have still enjoyed the sweet embrace of take out food or potatoes but I have only a small portion and save my burger pig out for the S-Days. Exercising and being active was not an issue for me but I strongly suggest stretching and walking as a form of exercise for those who enjoy a more sedentary approach to life. Basically if you would like to be able to move around when your over 60 you might want to try being active now instead of having to counter act a lifetime of built up tension in your joints and muscles later in life with surgery, pain pills, and general discomfort.

Ok, off the soap box now about exercising and back to my 4 pounds! I was shocked when I weighed myself because it has been sooooo looooong since I have lost weight with out making major life altering decisions. I hope that my little tips (more protein less carbs, do more and eat less) have been helpful. Wednesday marked the beginning of week 3 on the No-S-Diet and I am as happy as a clam. A low salt low cholesterol clam that is... Thanks all for reading and together we can help each other to become healthier and ultimately happier. Oh and tomorrow is Saturday! Ice cream anyone? Hell yes!

Too solid flesh
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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:49 pm

Congratulations, totljenn! It's great that you're getting on so well with No S.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:39 pm

No S is about eating less, eventually, and for some people. right off the bat. Glad it's working for you.
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Post by Dale » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:30 am

Well done!

I'm not a breakfast person either and my breakfasts are normally fairly small even on No S (about 200 calories). Funnily enough, that seems to be working for me as I still make it through to lunchtime without getting too hungry. The weight loss is going slowly for me, but that's OK.

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Post by wosnes » Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:33 pm

Dale wrote:

I'm not a breakfast person either and my breakfasts are normally fairly small even on No S (about 200 calories). Funnily enough, that seems to be working for me as I still make it through to lunchtime without getting too hungry.
I'm also not a breakfast eater. IF I eat breakfast, it's usually whole grain toast with butter and fruit. If I'm exceptionally hungry (rare), I'll add an egg cooked in butter. That will easily last me until lunch.
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lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:51 pm

CONGRATULATIONS! Glad you have taken to NO-S so quickly!
Enjoy your S weekend.

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Post by totljenn » Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:32 pm

Thanks everybody for your encouragement! I love these forums for this exact reason, enjoy the weekend!

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