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Post by oolala53 » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:07 am

I had what I consider success last weekend because of great improvement. There was basically one overeating stint on each day which is a big improvement over an early balloon payment in the morning and then grazing the rest of the day both days. Yes, it has happened in multiples of ten. But I don't want newbies to get scared if they read this! Lots of people don't still have this issue. I power on, though, because the alternatives look even worse.

Anyway, I was wrong about the potluck. It's next week. I went to a walkabout and had some indulgence that I can't remember, but it was acceptable and I actually got out and walked, which I hadn't expected to do. The next day was too many mint M & M's and a little fabulous mousse cake that was totally worth it. And confined to a reasonable time frame.

The potluck is still coming up. I will be ushering for The Grinch before it, so that may cut down on just how long I will be exposed to the array.

I feel lighter and better than I have in a few months. I feel more and more that this is who I am. I eat discrete meals, most of which are whole, mostly unprocessed foods by choice. I can have other foods if I like, but I don't usually go out of my way for them. When pizza and such are the offered fare, I don't freak.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:44 pm

I wasn't hungry at all today, though that doesn't mean I forget about food, unfortunately. I decided to have lunch anyway at 1 pm and then had several of my favorite (these days) cookies. Unlike the past, I didn't even want to pick all afternoon. I had one New Year's even plan fall through already, but will go to another event where there will be some good eats. Having stuck to three weekends of toning down has really paid off.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by franxious1 » Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:26 pm

I am really glad to have found this thread. I am returning back to NoS after a long absence (I was just "franxious" before -- couldn't remember my password and my email address had changed; it was hopeless), and the main reason I stopped doing NoS was because of horrible S days that undid all the work of the N days. I lost weight and then gained it back, and that is so demoralizing.

Since then, I lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers and kept it off for about a year. Then I started gaining slowly, and they changed the plan on me and the new one doesn't work at all for me (free fruit -- terrible idea!). So time to try something different. A lot of time has passed since I abandoned NoS, and I'm hoping that I'll be a little more mature and persistent.

I know the S days will pose the same challenge as before, and it's greatly inspiring to hear that, with effort and patience, the problem can be overcome! I would love the freedom to enjoy treats in moderation and stop before it becomes something else. As before, the N days aren't so hard. I think I also need to remember that even Reinhard has red N days sometimes, and that doesn't mean the whole thing is a failure.


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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:35 pm

Congrats on getting the weight off and keeping it off for a year, no matter what you did! (UNless you were suffering every day.)

No matter what plan allows us "free" food, in the end, we need to eat moderately. May I gently ask why you think you ate too much fruit? Just because you could? In my own case, I just had to get tired of feeling like I had eaten too much. I don't know what cured others sooner, but I do think this plan loses more people to that than we'll ever know. (How can you count them when they're gone?) I do give a lot of credit to learning to tolerate longer gaps between meals but in my own case, I also give credit to eating by the divided plate rule and eating a lot of unprocessed foods. However, I notice by looking at check in threads that a lot people don't actually eat a lot (3 or more different) vegetables every day, so I may be kidding myself. However, I don't think there would be an advantage to my choosing to eat fewer veggies now!

I went to a New Year's concert at which there was wonderful food I was looking forward to having. (African vegetable curry, beans, fried yam, salad bar) I have to report that I was still so full from lunch that I chose not to eat. A year ago, I would have eaten anyway because I felt I needed to have the entertainment of food. This year, it did not feel it would have been fun at all. I imagined how good the food would taste, but I also kept imagining how it would feel, and it just didn't pan out. No morality involved.

It's now 11:05 and I am just barely starting to get hungry. I was starting to feel irritated again with not getting hungry, but it's starting to rumble. The amazing thing is I can actually wait longer often when I feel a little hungry. I like letting it build!

I will say that I did put the package of cookies up on top of the fridge. I'm not afraid of them but it's just as well not to have them sitting out. My table looks neater, too!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by franxious1 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:54 pm

Sorry for the long delay in responding.

Thanks...I lost 30 lbs, but now I've gained 20 of it back. I need to put the breaks on! I guess I would eat too much of anything I liked that was supposedly a "free" food. I just can't handle the concept of moderation, although of course it's a goal of mine to get there.

I had a horrible S day's a real shame.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:08 pm

I'll say more in my upcoming testimonial, but the 3-weekend thing worked. It may have been that I was just darn ready, but I ate only when I was hungry and did have sweets, but it turned out to be just twice a day that I was hungry. That took me up to Christmas and New Year's and they went great, given that they were holidays. I felt so much like this is what we eat moderately (and sometimes naturally even a bit lighter) for! But I probably had about half the sweets I would have had. I even skipped dessert on Christmas day. (Cheesecake, the cream kind. Not my favorite.) And I don't mean to scare anyone but on Sunday, I had only one meal. It was truthfully all I wanted, even though I also went to a very vigorous dance class! I kept imagining chewing food and swallowing and it just didn't sound good!

Okay, if you're in the middle of panicking over your weekends, see if you can give yourself a break. (Unless you have a health condition right now- then all bets are off. Take care of that first!) I recommend saying about whatever your worst issue is, "I can't do X YET." Leave the door open for the miracle to happen. Try to be curiously observant of your behavior without so much judgement. (I am currently working on this in regards to my semi-hoarding issue.) You are entitled to try different things and fail at them. And especially without several months of green N days. You're like a baby picking up toys and examining them to see which will hold her attention for awhile. You're going to find what sticks.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by franxious1 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:53 pm

Hi oolala,

I couldn't figure out what the 3-weekend thing was. I looked back through many of the older posts, but I didn't exactly see it...

I agree that non-judgmental awareness may be the key. I keep thinking of myself last weekend, sitting at the kitchen table and shoving cookie after cookie into my mouth...cookies that I had packed up to bring to the office to get them out of the house, without really looking at what I was doing or the fact that I was full and wasn't enjoying them anymore, etc., etc. I've actually been meditating every morning, in an attempt to become more present. That and developing better habits.

It's just so weird to me how I can manage to be self disciplined all week and the second I'm allowed an inch, I take a mile. But I'm trying not to beat myself up, as you say. It would be better not to weigh myself on Monday if I've had a bad weekend and I need to try harder not to do that (like by hiding the scale in the basement or something!).

Anyway, it's very reassuring that others have dealt with this problem and have overcome it. I'll keep at it!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:22 pm

Oh, good golly, I used to wait until the stroke of midnight on Friday/Saturday and then plow into the Hershey's kisses. Whole package gone by noon. And cookie dough! And canned frosting! Like a machine!

It actually makes perfect sense. When you restrict highly palatable foods, the body will often send a huge urge to overeat the item, but if you do, it will make the response STRONGER the next time. If you just eat moderate amount and then HANG ON, they will decrease. I however, was not willing to stay with moderate amounts for a long time. I WANTED to eat too much! But eating some rich foods balanced with better stuff at my N days meals helped me learn to tolerate some trigger foods.

Here is the excerpt from my post on Sat., Dec. 3rd on the 3 weekends.
I think it was yesterday that I had an epiphany. I often tell people on another site that the first three nights of not eating after dinner are the hardest. You will really have some white-knuckle moments, but that it will be worth it. (It's a binge crowd and we/they are notorious for night eating.) It dawned on me that if I could white-knuckle my way through three sane weekends in a row, things might get a lot easier for me, too. (I think 23 months is enough time to wait for the habit to go away on its own.)

It's funny; it seemed to give me hope to think of powering through for three weekends, even though before I couldn't make myself go through a whole day without some needless gorging. I guess before it was open-ended; I felt I had no guarantees since even having some good Saturdays had usually been followed by some crappy Sundays, unless it was the perfect weekend socializing. But imagining there might be light at the end of the tunnel made it seem it will be worth the effort. (end quote)

Who knows if it will last? but I am feeling good and eating less than I was two months ago with no struggle.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by franxious1 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:42 pm

I really like the idea of setting a three-weekend goal. It's funny: there can be some goals that are too big and will discourage you at the outset. On the other hand, having bigger expectations can make you do more. For example, if I decided to take a 45-minute walk, knowing it was going to be that long from the beginning I wouldn't start to feel like I'd been walking for a long time until I had gotten well into the walk. But if I decided to take a 15-minute walk, I'd start to feel like I'd been walking for awhile much sooner. It doesn't make sense, and this may not be the best example, but I think it's true.

Another example is that I went on a three-week "cleansing diet" a few months ago. No gluten, no dairy, no sugar, plus all kinds of yucky supplements and stuff. I knew it was going to be three weeks when I started, so the first week and a half kind of passed by without a problem. Only at around the end of the 2nd week did I start to feel like I'd been eating that way forever and couldn't wait for the thing to be over. I'm sure if it had been a one-week diet, I would have felt that way earlier.

Anyway, aiming for three good weekends seems like it might feel the same way; maybe I could get through at least one whole one without failing. I'll give it a try anyway!

Today has been going fine so far!

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:16 pm

As some may have seen from my testimonial, weekends are better. In December, I made a pact with myself to get through three weekends of purposeful moderation and by Christmas, I was able to be quite sane on the holiday weekends. I like the way 2012 is going. Hang in there! At least finish out this week strong.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by milliem » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:33 pm

I love the 'purposeful moderation' idea - of course NoS itself is purposeful moderation, but S days can be just.... out of control! I think when I have the N days down and am ready to move into 'Phase 2' I'll have a go at moderating my weekends for 3 weeks, and then relaxing about it. Maybe I'll have got out of the habit of eating for the sake of it by then!

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Post by Anoulie » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:17 pm

For me, I've found that starting at midnight on Saturday makes me eat a lot more over the course of the whole weekend. I don't know if it's just me, but I've now introduced the additional rule: "The S day starts when I get up on Saturday." And usually, I even have a normal N day breakfast first. It seemed helpful so far.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:00 pm

Oh, yes. I don't imagine Reinhard thought people would start eating at midnight! But it's helpful to keep to relatively regular hours of eating, though having something late on a Saturday night may be part of the freedom, but it isn't meant to condone consistent gorging. It's all about becoming more aware of what we do eat.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by oolala53 » Mon May 28, 2012 6:54 pm

It seems on the daily check-ins there are a few people who feel S days are their biggest problem. I keep trying to bring this thread up so that we have an organized way of keeping up with each other and for reaching out to others. I think we should all commit to listening to one of the podcasts devoted to this at least once a week in June, or some other activity, as well as keeping up with our proposed mods, IF we've had around 6 months of more of mostly green N weeks, and feel the need to try some mods. I don't recommend changes before that.

After my 28 months, the mod I'm considering is having S's on S days only in company. Being a binger/secret overeater, most of my transgressions are done alone. Saturday, it was eating almost a whole can of decorating frosting and a lot of cookies in the car between destinations. Other than that, my eating was all very reasonable while in view of others. I don't undereat or deprive myself then, either. Some have even made comments on how heartily I eat!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Tue May 29, 2012 4:28 am

This is very wise, oolala and thanks for bringing this thread back up. I'm learning the insight in saying not to try "mods" after long stretches of N day compliance. "I told ya so..." is what I hear from my conscience!

I relate completely on the mod with S's in company. I eat well in front of others, including desserts. But get my "high", well, "low" from doing it with abandon, in secret, and hidden. So that's a brilliant mod.

I will listen to the "no solitary snacking" before this weekend.

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Post by milliem » Tue May 29, 2012 5:10 pm

I was just thinking about this thread the other day!

I am definitely in the 'S day problem' gang... ok my N days aren't perfect but generally any fails are small and contained. It's the unrestricted S day eating that is causing the damage in terms of seeing any real impact on my weight! I know Reinhard proposes not focusing on weight loss primarily but lets be honest, most of us (certainly me) are here because we want or need to lose weight.

For now, as my N days are still in progress, I think I just need to be mindful of S days.

This week I will be listening to the 'what the hell effect' podcast - that's where most of my bad eating decisions come from!!

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Post by carpediem » Tue May 29, 2012 9:03 pm

I'm so glad you re-intoduced this thread, oolala! I wasn't around when it was originally posted and it was great being able to read everyone's responses.
I totally agree with milliem in that I am here to lose weight. Maybe someday I will be hanging around in order to help maintain, but for now it's all about shedding the pounds. Part of my problem is that I can't seem to get over reminding myself how much I need to lose (more than most on here) and I just feel like it's such a s-l-o-w process!! Sometimes seems insurmountable. I used to have a sign over my office at work that said "Lord give me patience, and I want it right now!" That pretty much says it all.
I've previously mentioned in discussions that I come from a heavy family, so have seen first-hand what obesity can do. This coming Sunday marks the first anniversary of my mother's death. She was plagued with health issues (weight related) for many years and even though she dieted almost religiously, when she died she was the heaviest she had ever been. My brother also died at the age of 61 from obesity issues, mainly complications from diabetes. He had bypass surgery and tried every diet under the sun from way back in the Metrical days (probably spelled they even still make that stuff???)
My point is, even though I know (I KNOW) this is the best diet out there and absolutely what I need to be doing, there's a part of me that feels like I'm following in my family's footsteps and may be destined to be defeated by this demon just as they were. I have this sense of urgency, whether justified or not, to get rid of the weight quickly.
I'm an emotional eater for sure, and aware that these last couple weeks have been exceptionally hard on me. All I want to do is surround myself with comfort food. However, I'm also intuitive enough to know that 'this too shall pass'....just not quickly enough for my liking. Lord, give me patience!!

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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 30, 2012 1:19 am

Carpediem, you have even more reason then to stick with ferocious discipline to Vanilla No S and the last S-- "sometimes" on S days. There is a good podcast on strictness, too. I think I'm going to listen to it again myself.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 30, 2012 4:19 am

The podcast is called, no irony here, Strictness. It's about adhering to moderation with humorous rigidity. It just occurred to be that humorously rigid moderation of S's is perfect for S days and could help me counteract that little voice that says I'm supposed to be able to just go with my whims of the moment. This may be even more helpful than the concept of mods. Mods will still apply but two ways: moderate modifications.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by milliem » Wed May 30, 2012 3:11 pm

I read through the 'what the hell' podcast transcript yesterday and had some interesting thoughts. I think for me this kind of thinking is only really present on S days - I think 'what the hell, it's an S day so I can eat what I want right?!' Usually as I load that extra cake or bar of chocolate into my shopping basket ;)

I also read the 'S days gone wild' transcript and realised that I really need to focus on getting my N days more solid before I look at the S days. I suppose what I'm worried about is that apart from an initial 5-ish pound loss after I started NoS, I haven't seen any real movement for a long long time - I've been maintaining. This is good, and I know that building the habits are good but I'm pretty certain that the real changes will come when S days become more moderate. Patience is key!

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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 30, 2012 7:45 pm

I'm taking the liberty of posting a very long comment from a Spark board from a member named Barcintl. As you can see, she took it from another site. I hope none of these things are copyrighted because I altered some of them. You are free to cut and paste to a document and play with them, too. Post new ones as replies as you wish as well.

I am posting a challenge on a Spark team to read this list every day for the month of June. I'll probably make a habitcal for it for myself, too.

The following was an entry on the Shrink Yourself community board. I wanted to copy it so that perhaps others can get something out of it as well. I share so many of these beliefs and they truly are unhealthy--the reframed thoughts make me feel freer and happier.

Changing Thoughts leads to Changing Behaviors

Hi everyone! One thing I am working on which has helped me TREMENDOUSLY is to look at my existing ingrained beliefs about my weight, body and eating and how I must change them in order to become a normal eater. I never realized how damaging my beliefs were. It makes me sad to read some of them but I am working on internalizing my new beliefs. I think it might help some of you to do the same. Here is my list of beliefs along with my reframed beliefs:

1. I must clean my plate because its sinful to waste food.
I can leave food on my plate, save it, or throw it away.
If I've had enough to eat more food inside me is a waste.

2. If I don't eat all my food now I can't eat it later.
There is an abundance of food, accessible to me whenever I am hungry.

3. I can't move forward in my life until I'm at my "perfect" weight.
I need to always move forward in my life regardless of my weight.

4. I am being punished for my sins through my binge eating disorder and if it comes back I must've done something sinful and am paying the price through my binge eating.
My binging has nothing to do with my perceived sins. It is about my habit of pairing food with multiple triggers. I always have the power to stop or prevent it.

5. Eating fast means I don't have to think about the food I'm eating or its affect on me.
Eating fast serves no purpose other than to make eating less pleasurable and make me eat more.

6. I love my body shape especially when I'm thin.
I can love my shape when I'm thin, but I can love my body for its functions whether I'm thin or fat.

7. If I give into a craving it means I'm going to binge after.
Giving into cravings does not cause me to binge. No matter what, I can always put the food down, even in the middle of a binge.

8. Sometimes I feel I can eat forever and still feel empty.
The emptiness inside me is emotional and can't be filled up with food; it needs to be filled in other ways.

9. Sweet foods make me want to eat more and sometimes binge after.
Avoiding my feelings with sweet foods cause me to binge.
Sweet foods may make me want to binge, but I can choose not to eat more and find something else to do. I can't solve all my problems whenever I want.

10. Food is a reward for working hard.
Food is for satisfying biological hunger and for moderate pleasure. I don't really need food rewards. In fact, life as it is is usually reward enough.

11. I need to control myself around food, particularly X and Y.
I can be comfortable with food without being so controlling and without overeating.

12. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to eat and never felt hungry.
Eating is a pleasure and I usually enjoy it.

13. I can't let myself feel hungry or I'll overeat.
I trust my body to signal to me it is full and I trust myself to stop eating.

14. Being around too much food and having too many choices makes me anxious.
I feel comfortable around food and most times make the best choice. Even if I feel anxious, I can still choose and eat a moderate plate of food without overeating.

15. Feeling good or bad about myself kind of depends on my weight and eating patterns.
My feelings of self-worth do not depend on my actions. My self-worth is a given at any moment.

16. I need to eat more on weekends because I can. I'm afraid of depriving myself.
I will not harm myself by eating moderately of foods I enjoy on S days.

17. I'll miss out if I don't eat with others, even if it means overeating.
I can share in the fun and the company very satisfactorily without overeating. And I'll feel better later.

18. I'll hurt people's feelings if I don't eat with them, or they'll think I'm weird.
Thin people don't worry about this; they hate being full more than what others think, and no one really minds.

19. I deserve to overeat because I was so good this week.
I deserve to feel vital and sane after I eat, and I probably won't if I overeat.

20. I might as well overeat because it's too late now and it's an S day.
It's never too late to wait to eat so that I'll feel better sooner.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:50 pm

I didn't keep to the goal I had but I also didn't succumb to the WTH effect. I don't think I ate the volume of food I do on an N day. Did pick at cake some though I did have one sit-down slice. I felt okay about it.

I've got that slightly nauseous feeling this a. m. Started to feel slight hunger a few minutes ago, but it was fleeting. 10:42 and waiting to eat until I'm hungry. Not too resentful about it; not rejoicing at lack of hunger, either.

Wish I could muster the desire to clean and declutter. Dance class is the only plan I have, but there will be a few new people there whom I know from other venues. Should be interesting. If they keep coming, maybe I can get them to come by for tea afterwards and have a reason to clean up! right now it's CHAOS. Can't have anyone over syndrome, a Flylady term.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by milliem » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:29 am

I can't really tell if my S days were moderate or not! Hmm. What does that say about me?? Maybe just that I'm still learning :)

Well I didn't permasnack like I did the previous weekend, so that's something. Saturday was two meals (one large and multi-course) and a few bites of sweets in the evening, but also included a fair bit of alcohol throughout the day. Sunday was also 2 meals (one was pizza, so large :)), a few bites of crisps that my OH offered during the day, and a few (maybe 3?) one inch brownie squares in the evening that we've baked for a party today. No alcohol.

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:13 pm

I had what probably amounted to two mid-size slices of 4-layer chocolate cake for sweets. For what I will call snacks, a good handful of crackers and dip plus 1 cup to 1.5 cups of pasta with dip as sauce. Actually only two small meals in addition and a 1/2 cup of mocha. Doesn't sound like much but to tell the truth I was hungry for even less. For me, a total success would have been waiting until I was hungry. But I have to give myself credit. I've certainly eaten more even when I wasn't hungry.

I don't want to forget that the 4th S is sometimes. It really would be okay to have my S days look pretty much like my N days most of the time. I wouldn't want to restrict my sweets, but I mostly eat them out of the habit of thinking I should so I don't mess up my N days waiting for the next week.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:56 pm

I am exactly the same, oolala and I am sure everyone else is, too :wink: when it comes to S Days and the feeling that we should have S Day treats.

This weekend, as mentioned, has been one of the 'best', most controlled S Day weekends I've had in the 3 years since I began No S. I think though that my appetite was being artificially controlled by my ongoing cold virus which has had some effect on my desire for food. However, this was also the 'perfect' time to see for sure if moderate eating on S Days ie. not totally omitting desserts or treats. I had one magnum ice cream after dinner each night but the rest of the day(s) were just like N Days. In fact, a little less at lunchtime - only a yogurt parfait from Tim Horton's both days. Mainly because I didn't feel like anything more substantial this weekend and the choice was a little lacking. Nothing that really caught my eye.

I hope I can learn over time to be moderate on S Days and more organised. It will be interesting over time to see if this leads to more weight loss. Oh, and yes I am taking a B12 supplement (sublingually) - started last Friday - once this is finished I will see if my weight changes once I stop it for a week or two. B12 is supposed to speed up metabolism so I can't tell if its the B12 working on me or the fact I didn't feel like eating much this weekend OR a combination of both. Only time will tell, I guess.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:58 pm

I'm curious what a magnum of ice cream is. I only know the term from wine and it's about a quart and a half!

I'm not sure what other reason you may be getting the B shots, but the Mayo clinic reports that there has never been any proof vitamin B shots boost metabolism or improve weight loss.

I saw on another thread you did have some loss on the scale. I also agree that there isn't really a way to tell what made the difference, but I hope it's eased your mind a bit.

I have a feeling that even when you don't have a cold, you aren't actually hungry for a lot of the S-day eating. I know I'm not. As I've said before, it's just rather hard to accept how little I need. I think I'm getting there, though. But it may not mean much more weight loss. Just pride gain.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:50 pm

Hi oolala! LOL at your magnum 'wine' comparison! :D

Magnum ice cream comes on a stick and is a thick chunk of rich vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate. There are several varieties available, the white chocolate being my favorite and my kids and DH's least favorite - lol!

G**gle the name if you are curious. Meantime, here's a link to their webs*ite (NB: Just incase - I am in no way endorsing them; just sharing their information for those who are interested !)

Vit B12 - the vitamin B12 I am taking aren't the actual shots (injections). I'm too cowardly for that! lol. It is the vitamin in the liquid form that you place under your tongue for about 30 seconds. I tried B multivitamins in the past and couldn't get past the awful color and taste of the tablets... yuk! I'm not hedging my bets on these supplements btw. More curiousity than anything else plus they were on sale (buy one get one free offer kind of thing) which prompted me to buy them. I do take multivitamin supplements as a matter of routine however - whether they are effective or not, for me specifically, well the jury is still out on that one.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:05 pm

Is it too early to be thinking about the weekend? I'm not focusing on it, but I guess on hump day, I like to think ahead. I'm feeling pretty good as I've been experimenting with eating a little less and it's been okay, after I got over the initial fear. It's like I'm starting over a bit. And I guess I don't want it to somehow backfire on the weekend, but I think it won't. I'm hoping what I've learned about tolerating the anxiety of not having enough and then finding it is enough will carry over to the weekend. But I do have to face that I really am not comfortable later eating as much of sweets as I would like to on the weekend. I have had experiences where I really didn't even like the idea of eating sweets at certain times. I can only hope those will expand and I can let go of the fantasy that more is necessary for.. what? I don't know.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by loligoss » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:07 am

NoSrocks, good news for you Magnum now sell mini-magnum on the stick. I wanted the 60% Ecuador chocolate but hubby went for a box of 5 mini chocolate caramel (my parents are over this weekend so there will be plenty to share). We bought the kids Cornetto and they have 6 to share between the three of them.

I also made ice cream for dessert and we have berries.

I am still trying to figure out N days. Although apart from not having seconds it's the way I eat (when I don't binge). I was reading an article the other day that explained how much harder it was to moderate food than to abstain. It's much easier to say I can't have X for Y time than I can have it but not too much or I will gain weight.

My S days undo all my work during the week! I am still sticking with it.

I am a traditional Jew and we eat three big meals starting Friday night, Sat morning and Sat evening (that one at least is smaller and one course). We can't cook on Sabbath so I spend all of Friday in the kitchen. That's why my S days are Friday and Saturday.

As I was cooking this morning I realised that I can't not taste the food I am making so I should not have meals for breakfast and lunch and just have supper. (I already tasted the granola I made, quinoa, dates, berries, some yogurt etc) What usaully happens is I taste the food and have free for all I will see if this works better.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:37 am

I don't feel I have to plan to have any sweets around as I'm going to an annual solstice party where there is always too much food. I swear i am going to be judicious in my choices. they often have those little lemon small cupcakes as well as some chocolate items.

I'm probably goig to make crockpot hot chili garbanzo beans.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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