lynnes first post

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lynnes first post

Post by lynne2005 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:11 pm

Hi there, this is just me messing around in the test board to see what happens and who responds. Im Lynne - from the uk and im MASSIVE and i DONT WANT TO BE!!! how come ive never seen this site before? Does it work? I get the general principal of the no s diet - ive printed it out to read in bed tonight (yes my life is that sad lol)
If you can be bothered i would love a reply and perhaps help with the first steps of both the diet and the boards and my daily log in (what do i do) when i log in - who am i logging in with, everybody or a modorator? Is somebody keeping an eye on me or are we all keeping an eye on each other?
Hope to hear from somebody soon.
Bye for now
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:21 pm

Hey Lynne, Welcome!!!
I don't think it's sad that you printed out the NoS homepage!
It's a work of genius and very enjoyable to read... You could even print out Reinhards great picture to stare at for your coverpage! LOL..
(Sorry Reinhard, I just love to embarrass you! LOL...)

If the main concepts resonate with you on a "I like this" level, chances are, you wll enjoy this way of eating...

I knew immediately that Reinhard's wonderful plan was the only thing that would ever work for me, as I had been through quite a lot of ups and downs with weird or restrictive diets before and always gained back..

It made me laugh, and I believe we only laugh, when something is genuine... I knew I found the genuine article!!!
I'm so glad you found it too! It's not like anything else out there, so consider yourself truly blessed...

I knew it would work because what it does is blow away the idea that some diet and external thing is responsible for whether we are big or not..
It puts the spotlight on us! We are made to be the responsible ones here..
We get all the credit.. But yeah, we have to do the work..
In the end it is the most rewarding feeling to accomplish a sense of self control, self respect and self love.. This is what building good habits does..
And yes it does work, but prepare yourself to just be patient and diligent...

You may make many mistakes along the way, but don't give up....
As the Dalai Llama says "When you lose, don't lose the lesson"
Forgive your little messups along the way, and focus on your habits...
You will learn a lot about yourself with NoS..

Reinhard is the creator, and resident brilliant genius, and all around great guy... He is the group leader, but he is sometimes a bit busy, so don't fret, if he isn't immediately available... He always gets around to reading everyones posts, but since he became a Daddy, I think he has had loads to do at home.
Justin is our humble moderator, but he is sometimes a bit busy too..
You will find much support just from the group, a wonderful group of very lovely and caring people, and I say, keep reading and re-reading Reinhard's mainpage...
It just is so sensible and liveable..
I'm sure you'll do great!!

To create a "Daily Checkin" which you may post on, as much as you like, and if it's not every day, no one will, as Reinhard would say, "excommunicate you", simply go to that section and press the "New Topic" button.. Then you can title your check in as you wish...
For example
"Lynnes Checkin"
(how original I am! LOL...)

This will be your personal thread and diary here... When you post you just hit the reply button, each time you revisit your thread.. It will add your new post chronologically.. You can post on anyones thread, just make sure you moderate your own language as to be respectful and polite.. We are all on the "honor" system..

So really, my only caveat to you is to make sure you don't get dissuaded by the pace of NoS.. It's fairly slow... I took about a year to lose somewhere between 20 and 25 lbs... But I know it's never ever coming back on... It's worth the work, and you are worth the patience!
Best of luck to you,

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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bedtime story !

Post by lynne2005 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:40 am

Hi Deb,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Reinhards plan. i like the way he writes!

Thank you for your reply. Your right, hes a genious! What a no nonsense, common sense straight thinking fellow he is! No im not creeping lol. I think ill skip the picture though, i do enjoy a good nights sleep! AWwwwwwwwwwww sorry Reinhard, only joking! What he wrote has hit a cord with me, im starting from today on his no S, no nonsense, no kidding yourself attitude.

I also like the urban ranger idea. And today, after a wait of about three weeks the harnesses i ordered to try to tame my unruly hounds on their walks have arrived! No more excuses on that score then. My excuse has been that they ripped my back in half everytime i took them out on ordinary leads. One of my dogs is the size of a donkey! (well almost)

Thanks once again deb for explaining things to me. Much appreciated.

Im off to make my first post.


PS: I cant find the spell check!
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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:54 pm

Welcome, Lynee. I don't think there is a spell check, sadly. When I'm not feeling to lazy, I use my email and then copy and paste.

Thanks Deb for your great answers (and kind words!).

Some standard newbie advice:

1) be strict about the rules before you screw up

2) forgive yourself when you do. Learn from it. Bounce right back. It takes most people a few screwups for it to really click.

3) be patient. This isn't a quick fix.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:18 pm

Hey Lynne, welcome!!! Yes, EVERYONEis going to keep an eye on you! This is the most wonderful board in the world, with wonderful people, following the truly magnificent No-S program.

When you get the chance, go to the Daily Check-In page and set yourself up there. It's great for accountability and support.

Glad you're here! :D

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