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by jw
Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:09 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

You mean it really worked?! That's fantastic! Maybe I wouldn't have done so badly as a mom after all!
by jw
Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:53 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: ZippaDee Do Da Days...
Replies: 526
Views: 659484

I love your list of things you DON'T enjoy all that much -- pop, cake, run-of-the-mill chocolate bars -- me, too! Do they become more attractive when they are forbidden? Maybe temporarily, but the great thing about No S is we have the opportunity to get over expecting to enjoy them and concentrate i...
by jw
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:43 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anna418's Weekly Check-In
Replies: 55
Views: 60826

Anna, hoping all turns out well today -- hang in there!
by jw
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

well, I have to say, your first vegan day sounds delicious, Linda!
by jw
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:31 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tessytwinkle's check in
Replies: 576
Views: 612862

Let me also speak in praise of naps and early bedtimes! Nothing is better than sleep when you need it, Tessie. I am glad you are doing what you need to do to keep going under trying circumstances. Your attitude is wonderful these days!
by jw
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:25 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

You ladies are so lovely! Eschano, she did send an abject apology the next day, full of excuses and extenuating circumstances -- but you're all so right, this is the kind of thing everybody else outgrew years ago! And it is energizing to let go of that kind of drama -- you should see how clean my ba...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

That sounds right, auto! I am not a mom, but I have taken care of friends' kids and I notice the kids get along great for days on end until Mama shows up. Then all hell breaks loose! A lot of that fighting seems to be done with one eye on Mom to see how she'll handle it, to act out, whatever. Linda,...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:50 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

INFJ here! :D -- But right on the very borderline between I and E.
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:50 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, auto! I didn't really let it get to me -- but I don't let people manipulate me or push me around either, and I let her know via email that while her artwork is fantastic, her behavior was unacceptable and something I don't have room for in my personal life. Sheesh! Some people drive me crazy...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:38 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

Glad you're feeling a little better, chani -- it's too bad when something as natural as eating causes problems :(

Your morning in the sun cheered me up, too, just reading about it! Plenty of sun here, but it was below zero when I left the house, so no sun baths for me.
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:32 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

auto, the oasis is not a mirage! In fact, you're already at a watering hole of some kind, I can feel it! I took the enneagram test, too, but like you, I was all over the map, with Investigator predominating, but by a tiny margin. Took a course in Myers-Briggs years ago and thought that was really in...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:20 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, Linda! I love playing in the kitchen and I love a challenge, so this is not bothering me nearly as much as some of the GF people I am seeing on another support board for celiac patients. Everybody seems so upset over there! I think I'll keep my visits to a minimum. I got screamed at, complet...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:43 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Sounds like a fantastic weekend, Linda! And I'll be interested in the vegan before 6 plan. I also tried to live vegetarian some years back, but didn't thrive -- caught a lot of colds, for example -- so I was obviously not getting something I needed, though I loved all the veggies. Good luck with it!
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:34 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: eschano 2014 check in
Replies: 525
Views: 543879

Eschano, I love everything Linda and auto advise -- also, moving in together, even with the best guy in the world, is bound to have some hidden stresses to it for you. All the more reason to get everything on the table now. Maybe he'd even be willing to give No S a try, since he's focused on healthy...
by jw
Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:17 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: getting cold feet... will this work for me?
Replies: 38
Views: 48702

auto, I love the way you cycle back through your old posts and measure your progress by them! I remember this from the first two times it appeared and here you are, hanging in there, losing weight slowly and steadily, and being delightful to everybody on the boards every single day! On to the next 1...
by jw
Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:50 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Sonya, I didn't measure anything unfortunately -- I used 3 big serving spoons of the flour, a healthy pinch of baking powder, another of salt, and some cardamom, cinnamon and clove. I put in a large handful of dried cranberries ("craisins"). To this I added two spoonfuls of sour cream which I beat i...
by jw
Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:39 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Beef, rice and red beans (and green pepper and tomato) go into the soup today -- haven't cooked with rice for ages and made way too much the other day, so -- into the new soup with it! It tastes like stuffed peppers. All I wanted when it came to S-es was banana slices with chocolate syrup. Totally s...
by jw
Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:30 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

I was just thinking the same -- we haven't heard from you, so you must have both hands so full you can't type! Thinking of you and all your little ones! :)
by jw
Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:24 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

I can so empathize, auto! You know those old cartoons with the guy crawling through the desert toward the oasis? I can actually imagine you crawling on your belly toward the next break! So sorry the break is farther away than you thought! Maybe Monday will give you a little bit of a breather. :wink:
by jw
Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:51 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: full fat dairy products
Replies: 10
Views: 18513

Here's an easy way to strain it -- through an old fashioned Melitta cone coffee filter. If you leave it long enough, you get something very similar to quark, which Imogen Morley sings the praises of!
by jw
Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:14 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

Is your resistance low? Is it just that time in the semester when everything has piled up? Has it been cloudy and grey for 10 days straight? I think it's great you can see a pattern -- and also see the progress you've made since last fall. Hope this passes soon, whatever the cause -- sending peacefu...
by jw
Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:07 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: full fat dairy products
Replies: 10
Views: 18513

Stonyfield Farms -- it has a thick layer of cream on top, but you have to get to the supermarket the day it's delivered or it's gone!

I have never tolerated milk, threw the bottle out of the crib as a baby, but yoghurt and cheese are fine!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:04 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

Don't snack and don't buy a latte -- make yourself a good cup of coffee or even cocoa and then -- have the kids read to you!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sinnie's Post-Pregnancy Check In 2014
Replies: 195
Views: 176622

Was that the binge, the food you listed? Sounds like a good day of eating what you like! :D In any case, today is a new day . . .
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:57 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Hope your weekend away is awesome, Linda!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:09 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tessytwinkle's check in
Replies: 576
Views: 612862

You seem to be in a very good place, Tessy! Check out our Soup Thread 2014 on the main page when you get a chance -- somebody just posted a lentil soup, and also a Brazilian black bean soup that sounds great!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:04 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sonya's checkin
Replies: 619
Views: 805293

I just posted on eschano's thread -- she has leftover chocolates in her cupboard! I am still in a place where it's best just not to bring it in the house. So your post struck a chord!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: eschano 2014 check in
Replies: 525
Views: 543879

Love your LAM posts, eschano -- such simple things but they make such a difference to your well-being! Am also in awe of the chocolates in the cupboard. I am not there, yet!
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:54 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Well, what do you know -- my red day seems to have nudged the scale down! I am finally back at my pre-holiday low weight, 210 lbs (starting weight was 230). That cake sounds fantastic, Tessie! I have been snowbound for a while (walking to work, auto!), but as soon as I can get the car back on the ro...
by jw
Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:46 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Xtal's Check-in
Replies: 17
Views: 27121

You need a strategy for occasions like this. When I was first on the boards, somebody described a spread like that and then said "I told myself, it's not for you, it's all just for decoration!" I loved that -- and imagined eating the office plants! That said, good save -- it was a fail, instead of a...
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:35 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Imogen's Daily Check In
Replies: 1175
Views: 1180043

I totally understand anxiety rather than excitement -- they are pretty closely related, at least they cause the same reactions in the stomach! You are such a focused person, Imogen -- I know all will be well. Stock up on rooibos, convince yourself that it is the answer to every anxious urge, and zoo...
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:22 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

eschano, I did -- both the chili and the meeting! It's an Indie Music Festival, now in its 7th year, and I am the token establishment person on the committee -- everybody else is 30-ish and "alternative" in one way or another -- they are very fun people! auto, I have noticed this before when I lapse...
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:32 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Strange social fail yesterday -- I am on a music festival committee that meets in participating venues. Yesterday six of us met in a local restaurant/club at dinner time and I felt obligated to order something, even though I had had my meals for the day. So, chalk up a red bowl of chili!
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:28 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Hello and New to NO S
Replies: 9
Views: 17366

Justbeyou -- you've already got it in essence! Glad to have you here on the forum!
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:33 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

133! I know it's not about the scale, but YAY, you!

auto, I am intrigued that you teach about gluten and joint pain. Do you teach nutrition?
by jw
Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:27 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, Tessie --I have also not tolerated milk well, though it's not as strong as an allergy. Same with wheat. Part of the problem is, I have only little nuisance symptoms, nothing clear-cut and obvious to tell me of the damage inside, and now osteoporosis is established. I am sorry to hear about y...
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:46 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2014 Soup Thread
Replies: 35
Views: 49017

Orange juice! That's an unexpected twist -- looking forward to this one, catservant! (love your handle -- I used to be a catservant, now I'm a dogservant!)
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:12 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Finding Comfort in Routine
Replies: 14
Views: 25107

Deepest sympathies, 4islandgirls. I know no words can really help, but yes, routine is a rock you can hold on to. My thoughts are with you and your mother. :cry:
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:39 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Kids! Cookies! Aggghhh!
Replies: 10
Views: 19754

"The great thing for me was I kept it to 2 cookies. The other 4 are waiting for the weekend" -- that's the measure of success and moderation! Good for you!
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

Chani, when I first started, I did a rough calorie count for my meal "templates" (breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same every day) and realized that by eliminating snacks and seconds, I should be able to easily lose weight on No S. After that, I never counted again -- and I lost a pound a wee...
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:36 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

"Some people may have the energy for calorie counting and other mods and that's fine. I do not and I guess I feel making losing weight more important than my peace of mind and balanced life is just not something I'm okay with doing to myself anymore." Yep -- this is where I am, too. I am having some...
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:29 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

A testimonial like this gives everybody something to grab onto, no matter where they are in the process -- we've all been in all those places! But we haven't all been as consistently committed and enthusiastic as you! You're a star, auto!
by jw
Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:18 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tessytwinkle's check in
Replies: 576
Views: 612862

Tessy, you're back! Looks like you did great No S-ing on your own -- congrats!
by jw
Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:37 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: eschano 2014 check in
Replies: 525
Views: 543879

Wonderful how you lovingly urge us to be gentle with ourselves but also to own our eating decisions, eschano! Thanks for that!
by jw
Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:37 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Wosnes's Dinner Diary
Replies: 104
Views: 151321

So good to see you back, wosnes! When I saw you in the lineup I said "Yay" and startled the dogs! Did you get a new computer?

Best comfort foods: mashed potatoes from scratch! French toast and bacon! soup and homemade bread!
by jw
Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:50 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

Is that the cognitive therapy self-help book? I was trying to think of that title a while back. It's amazingly helpful for attitude adjustments! I also tend to go on in my check-in about lots of non-No-S topics, chani! There's only so much we can say about eating patterns once they have settled down...
by jw
Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:38 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: New to No S
Replies: 29
Views: 32619

Good luck to you both! You're more than halfway to your 21 days -- well done! Tell your mom there are lots of people around her age here, doing well and enjoying the process --
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:06 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

I have not -- but it's a title that keeps coming up, along with "Grain Brain!" Heading right over to amazon . . . thanks!
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:28 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

I love that positive approach, auto (and chani!) -- you can really apply forward-moving energy to "I want," whereas looking at all the things you don't want just makes you angry and saps your strength. And it helps that the kids also want those things!

Happy S-day!
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:24 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Linda, there's nothing like a successful party! Sounds like both you and the girls are launched! Good for you!
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:20 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Auto, I agree! Your son's body knows exactly what it wants. And chani, I am continuing to research and I guess there is quite a high incidence of weight problems among celiacs -- because we don't absorb the nutrients we need, we just keep eating -- and storing the excess! The thin, waiflike stereoty...
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:11 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Been waiting on this for years
Replies: 34
Views: 41116

What I noticed is how many of the people who were active in 2011 are still posting here in 2014, many of whom have reached a healthy bmi! This really is a great community!
by jw
Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:51 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: No S Facebook Group (vs. Page)
Replies: 14
Views: 22548

Yep -- I maintain a facebook page for my job and several groups, as marketing tools. I have let my personal account fall into disuse, but it is the prerequisite for the business and group accounts. No S would be none of my professional colleagues' business, but that's who would see it!
by jw
Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2369
Views: 2828363

This is a fun project, oolala -- when you first posted about this, I thought, Oh, she'd do well here in blizzard country! I overstock the pantry every fall for the days when it's just not worth it to drive. It'll be mostly gone by spring and what's left will go to the letter carriers' food drive for...
by jw
Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:52 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Hope the Valentine's Day party goes off well, Linda -- lots of fun, no drama, and plenty of lovely S's for all!
by jw
Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:44 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

LOL, chani, yes, sourdough can get pretty ripe! As a child, I liked all cooked vegetables, except for lima beans -- fruit, of course, and most meat. Potatoes. I liked pie but not cake (more fruit and fat, less flour!) -- my birthday meant a pumpkin pie! Of the breakfast cereals, I usually chose rice...
by jw
Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:33 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: NoSnacker Daily Check-in
Replies: 197
Views: 221745

Ten pounds down is great news! Have some fun this S-weekend!
by jw
Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:39 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2014 Soup Thread
Replies: 35
Views: 49017

Yay, lentil soup! Thanks for posting, NoSnacker!
by jw
Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:09 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: S day anxiety
Replies: 12
Views: 20573

Benni, S days are for cake! If it leads to more snacking, it's still an S day. Part of moderation is learning how to handle cake -- and if you don't ever eat it, you won't learn that. Having treats on S days is over the top for many of us, especially when we're just starting out, but the desire to d...
by jw
Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sinnie's Post-Pregnancy Check In 2014
Replies: 195
Views: 176622

Sinnie, I think No S combines with a lot of other approaches -- keep the three plates a day and count calories or carbs as well. You lose the simplicity of the three-plate approach, but you satisfy the urge to control things a little -- no harm done! When you get tired of counting, just drop back to...
by jw
Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: milczar's check in
Replies: 1099
Views: 1460513

Yes, you can do this! The world exists to drive us crazy -- but also to make us selective in who and what we allow to be so important to us. Don't give away your power to be happy to people who don't deserve it . . .

And look at that number! 197! Did you properly celebrate getting out of the 2's?
by jw
Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:13 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

It's an S Day, you've had a very full week and no signs of things settling down any time soon -- I'd say you are entitled to a little popcorn. Or a lot!
by jw
Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Chani, I used to make sourdough when I first moved to PA and was unemployed for a while -- it was tangy and good! But I had a heavily grain-based diet at the time and developed skin problems, so I never went back to it. R. Jean, thanks for that encouragement! I am 62 and just diagnosed! But several ...
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:19 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: New and frustrated
Replies: 20
Views: 33424

It's in the Daily Check-ins -- especially read the last 2 pages, for all the different ways moderation has changed her family's life: ... sc&start=0
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:44 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Jean's check in
Replies: 278
Views: 396057

I also remember your name from my very early days on these boards -- well done, to keep on through so much upheaval! And great to have you back!
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:38 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: KatyLamb check-in
Replies: 52
Views: 54437

Look in the upper right hand corner of your post for the edit box and click for a second chance! I do it all the time for spelling errors and typos!
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:31 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anna418's Weekly Check-In
Replies: 55
Views: 60826

Lots of people drink hot cocoa on N days -- if snow days were S days here in NWPA, though, I'd only have about two N days a month!
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:28 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Newbie question about old posts
Replies: 3
Views: 7793

If you comment, the old post will bump up to the top -- new people who have joined in the meantime will read it, and maybe learn something interesting! But the person who originally made the post may not still be active on the boards. So specific questions about details they posted might not get an ...
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:45 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: DianaS 2 Habits
Replies: 8
Views: 16016

I've been doing Shiny Sink for about a week -- it really is a great habit to get into! Lots of S's, too!
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:42 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: New and frustrated
Replies: 20
Views: 33424

Go read automatedeating's thread for an idea of how No S can branch out in positive ways! I am a relatively fast "loser" -- a pound a week for 20 weeks, then I gained about 3 pounds during the holidays, and am just now getting back down from that. I had around 98% compliance during that time, but no...
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Help Wanted: Sweetness' New Check In
Replies: 105
Views: 185512

I remember your name from my early days here, Sweetness -- glad you are back! No amazing advice here, except just to do it and know we're all supporting you . . .
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:34 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Later never comes is right, Linda! I can postpone indefinitely, especially if things look superficially neat -- thanks again for steering me to flylady. I am pretty much sticking to kitchen and bathroom routines and doing the 15-minute/day cleanup in the other rooms. Amazing what a difference it mak...
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:30 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

Sounds like your whole family is benefiting from No S! you must be due for a 6-month testimonial on all the wonderful changes moderation has brought into your life, auto . . .
by jw
Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:26 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, Linda! I emailed my brother in Australia and he said something very similar, also encouraging -- that it's a good time to find this out, with all the gluten-free options available now. He has struggled with celiac-like symptoms for over 20 years, but has never actually been diagnosed. He sai...
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:16 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2369
Views: 2828363

Me three on the book!
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:30 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

chani, it runs in the family -- and I have had other autoimmune problems and avoided wheat for some time, just never really followed through on a diagnosis. I had no big reaction to the artisan bread, so I was hoping I was wrong! Are you also gluten-sensitive? If your tip about sourdough turns out t...
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:16 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Well, I can't get an appointment with the gastroenterologist until June, so I think maybe I had better rethink the kinds of foods I eat before then. I've never been big on pasta, so that's no sacrifice, but my bread will be a real loss. I am finishing the current loaf (she said defiantly!) Soups wil...
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:47 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Imogen's Daily Check In
Replies: 1175
Views: 1180043

"When they become guidelines, it gets a bit easier, and seems to be eliminating WTH effect (well, most of the time) - as there are no rules to rebel against then."

I think this is absolutely true! The pressure of rules invites rebellion; with guidelines we learn discretion. Love this insight!
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:26 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: eschano 2014 check in
Replies: 525
Views: 543879

I think I like your new habit better than my own, eschano! Good one!
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:21 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

chani, you're so kind to look in and post on my thread when you literally have both hands full! Hope you wake refreshed and feeling better!
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:16 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: 4 Islandgirls check-in
Replies: 90
Views: 87985

You're doing really well -- getting picky and taking care of yourself in ways that don't involve food! Good for you!
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:09 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Great list, Linda -- after a few days on flylady, I have to say I am making progress with a daily morning and evening routine and a 15-minute declutter, but the website itself is unmanageable and the emails I signed up for never started (may be a good thing!) Seeing your routine is inspiring . . . A...
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:59 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: SPAM hit list
Replies: 447
Views: 1030685 ... 2c1dee8488

Philip's first post at the bottom of the page contains a live link to a supplement drink.
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:40 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, auto and chani -- I actually followed a variety of low carb diets for several years, including paleo, and did well on them. I didn't buy any of the low-carb processed stuff, just stuck to protein and veg. That's the plan again. Looking back, the only time I really had symptoms was when I liv...
by jw
Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:07 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

"but then I would have spent money AND snacked!" LOL :D
by jw
Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

auto, I have to agree that reading online can't replace old-fashioned book reading! I skim online for information or entertainment or shopping, much as I used to do when I subscribed to a lot of magazines -- but when I want to really immerse myself in something serious, I want the book in my hand. I...
by jw
Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:02 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anna418's Weekly Check-In
Replies: 55
Views: 60826

Ah, school nights -- makes sense! :)
by jw
Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:42 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anna418's Weekly Check-In
Replies: 55
Views: 60826

Sounds like you are doing really well, Anna! I've never investigated Glass Ceiling closely -- but I thought two drinks was allowable. Why would your two drinks on Sunday be a Fail?
by jw
Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:36 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

I love the idea of standing, chani -- that's something to pursue! I have a work table in my studio at work that is good for standing, but nothing at home. Linda, what a good question! No, I don't have a philosophical issue -- and my work requires quite a lot of computer use. I guess I think too big ...
by jw
Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:29 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

I think I am going to like the flylady baby steps approach -- keep your sink clean and do 15 minutes a day of targeted decluttering. I can do that! I have even found an online timer . . . which brings me to the second goal, scaling back on electronics use. When I tried to stay computer-free this mor...
by jw
Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:28 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: KatyLamb check-in
Replies: 52
Views: 54437

Katy, it sounds like you were trying to No S before you ever heard of it! Glad you have found us -- best of luck!
by jw
Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:49 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4798931

"The house is so clean."

I am so jealous! -- did the flylady sink thing, though, and took on the stove, too and it really is delightful to see all that gleaming white!

Hope you're feeling better soon, auto!
by jw
Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:41 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Xtal's Check-in
Replies: 17
Views: 27121

I stocked up on flavored teas in the first months for moments like those, xtal. There is even a chocolate flavored tea (called Night of the Iguana) -- delicious! You're off to a great start --
by jw
Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:56 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: For everyone?
Replies: 15
Views: 27164

LOL, finallyfull, I really do fill my plates! I hated that feeling of not having had enough, and that was what led me to the overfull incident the next day. I'm not very evolved. Since I am cooking for one, I have a handle now on how much to cook -- just enough! -- but if I had extra food still in t...
by jw
Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:27 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Xtal's Check-in
Replies: 17
Views: 27121

Welcome and best of luck, xtal! Think of S days as Special days and keep them to two a week -- that should work fine for you!
by jw
Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:23 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

Thanks, Auto and Linda! You are always so encouraging! I was trying to remember the name of the flylady resource, Linda -- thanks for reminding me! I've signed up for the emails to see what it's all about. Why reinvent the wheel, eh? And auto, thanks for the thoughtful post on your page. I shop and ...
by jw
Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:36 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 359296

22 F this morning and it feels like spring! Back at work, I find that I got so much done at home this week, I was able to finish all my office work by 8:15 am today! I am thinking about expanding No S into other areas, as auto has been doing so successfully. My areas of improvement would be: -- regu...
by jw
Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Imogen's Daily Check In
Replies: 1175
Views: 1180043

Two green smilies in a row -- yay! I have also started leaving fruit for the evening. Lunch is filling and dinner, like yours, relatively early (5-ish) -- it's a good strategy, I think.
by jw
Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4623952

Sounds like you have new energy for this, Linda!
by jw
Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:34 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Chani8's Dauntless Thread
Replies: 247
Views: 224002

Lovely menu, chani! Made me realize how long it has been since I made beef barley soup . . . Enjoy your S days and the new little one!